First Grow (midgrade) CFL and sunlight


Well-Known Member
Ok picked up a humidity/ temp reader. Heres what Im looking at right now.

top of plant: 82 degrees

base of plant: 78 degrees

and Humidity: 30%

This is all after I hooked up the 150W HPS. So now Im running 6 40w cfl's and the $20 150w HPS, all underneath the hood that came with the 600w hps I dont use. I need to pick up another fan for sure if not a small a/c unit.

Whats an ideal humidity %?


Well-Known Member
i hear its from 30-40 during flower dont let the humity get 2 high keep that fan runnin and during the last 2 weeks dont let it get past around 35-40 during last 2 weeks of flower or bud rot is likely cause not much air flow in the buds and 2 high of hum% past 40 but check on the hum% im goin on 75% im right but mine are now on day 9 and smell of BuD!!! is this a good sighn or do males also smell like bud not a very strong scent of it but defently a bud skunky scent to it when u stick ur nose in it


Well-Known Member
u dont have any idea well im shure u do but u should have seen my face drop into a smile when i smelt that now i gota find out lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:


Well-Known Member
Watered today with no nutes. How much of a shock would it be if I transplanted at this point? Almost all the leaves have some kind of nute burn and I feel its from the mg. Any thoughts???


Well-Known Member
So how much bud do you guys think I might yeild from this? Using the 150w HPS and the 6 40w cfl's now...



Well-Known Member
Damn Id be more than happy with an ounce. 22 days of flowering as of today. Ill get some pics up in the morning. :joint:

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
yeah youll get like a gram on those 2 bottom nodes which is 2 joints:)

leave then if you dont have the light to put on them just see what happens:)

actually i looked at the first pic and your single cfl is less then a sq foot way so those 2 nodes are getting suffient light otherwise they wouldnt be forming there...:)


Well-Known Member
Thanks I guess Ill let em run their course :eyesmoke:

I took 3 of the cfl's out and put them on a kush plant I have growing in the other room but I may pick a few more up at Lowes today.


Well-Known Member
Watered today 12/24 with the following:

1tsp/gal Tiger Bloom

1tbl/gal Big Bloom

1tbl/gal molasses

Distilled water


Well-Known Member
lookin good just found out i had a female the other day and sum one offered me 300 bucks for it so i took it ;P im gunna start more they said if i get any more they will be glad 2 take them off my hands :P