First Grow...Mutated Plant.....Detailed Pics


Well-Known Member
are you interested in reveging and cloning or some lst or anything now that you know you have a pair of girls?

is there a reason you wanted them so small?


Well-Known Member
its all good, but i dont expect you to yield too much

which plant is your mutant? is it still around?


Well-Known Member
you really think so? id say youd be lucky with an oz total, but only a fortune teller knows for sure

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
you really think so? id say youd be lucky with an oz total, but only a fortune teller knows for sure
noooo i know im gonna get at least 2/3 oz or 3/4 oz. each.... ive seen people start seedlings at 12/12 and get half oz...mine vegged for 2 months...and im training them to stay short
ill get a decent sized cola on both tops of both plants
and on my seccond biggest pair ill get a decent sized cola
Your plants look good don't sweat the ph thing too much read misting and watering problems by ub he explains a lot on ph and overdoing a lot of stuff it helped me a lot!

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
lookin good brooo
i leaned my plant or LST'd it. shits doin good but stayin small

best of luck!
yeah i saw yours....but if your outside why are you LST'ing your plant???
anyway thanks and good luck to oyu i have a seedling now that was born on 12/12 so we can see how that works out if you wever wanted to grow indorrs again...
also growpro1 is a 12/12 seedling and his went female so theres hope that mine will lol...


Active Member
i didnt lst it on purpose. and i got fucked up neighbors...gotta keep 'em low key.

but yea its 12/12 outdoor...and I'm gonna design a small grow tent in the future..its gonna be sickk
when you can you should take pics of the seedlings and how old are they?

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
i didnt lst it on purpose. and i got fucked up neighbors...gotta keep 'em low key.

but yea its 12/12 outdoor...and I'm gonna design a small grow tent in the future..its gonna be sickk
when you can you should take pics of the seedlings and how old are they?
yeah i put a pic of the seedling up already....ill post another in like 5 secs...i already have them on my PC
but when its outside for 12 hrs of light nd dark it doesnt mean the same thing as 12/12 inside because the sun is way more powerful than lights that ppl use and when your outside the season makes your plant you cant decide when you ewanna flower them.
But i beleive its flowering season anyway if not its coming close so i guess you could say 12/12 seedling lool
that was prob confising hahah


Active Member
gotchaa.. damn i wish my shit would just hurry up and grow.

do you think i could give my seedling nutes yet?

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
dose it say the NPK on it? it would look like #-#-#

it probably would work though
yeah any nitrients should have a n-p-k
or just 3 numbers.....certain ones are better for veg and some are for flowering....many diff combos idk what goes for what i just use flower nutes now