First Grow. Need Help and Answers!!


Active Member
So I just wanted to know if I'm doing this right. I got two plants, both females, strains unknown. They are about 2 months old, the first one pictured is 13 inches, second is 18 inches.

I don't know if they flowered too early? I grow them both outdoors, used organic miracle gro as fertilizer, but added nothing else except for ironite. I live in Florida. The shorter one is bushier and her buds are a little fatter, but still extremely small in comparison to pictures I've seen. The taller one is skinny and has skinny buds. Any tips or suggestions on these plants?

Will the buds get bigger/thicker? The leaves on the shorter plant are turning yellow so I held back on some of the watering. But here are the pics. Any suggestions would help me tons. thank you!

First four pictures is the shorter, bushier plant. The last two is the skinny one.



Active Member
Hey Im sorta doin the same shit as u except mine arent that old, there about 1-2 weeks and I know I have a while to go but like when do I start plant food?


Active Member
dude.. idk, your guess is as good as mine.

idk if i should add anything to it now.. i was thinking about adding some kind of blooming nutrient to boost the bud production and then flush it out before harvest.. but i don't know..

it would help if someone with knowledge would comment... hint hint =]


Active Member
ok for xxcanibusxx u need to add ferts when the two small round leaves die and fall off but use small amount and work your way up to full strenght if u burn them back off but start with 1/4 strength

and caviarmcfly have u added any nutes at all, it looks like maybe a nitrogen deff but im not that sure so i would deff add ferts if u have not but if u have use some fish emulsion maybe


Active Member
sorry man u have added ferts sorry did not see that, oh and yea ur buds should get bigger just give it time


Active Member
Did you sex them or are they flowering on their own? Yellow leaves (when not in later stages of flowering) often mean lack of nitrogen.By the looks of them they should be transplanted into bigger containers. Flip them out of their containers and if the roots are growing up the sides of the pot I would transplant. Also in my experience miracle grow is not a very good fertilizer to use, although ive never used organic miracle grow.


Active Member
thanks for the tips swirltcw and cannibuscanuck. it's a BIG help.

they started flowering on their own. And I transplanted them into a bigger pot about 4 days ago. i still don't understand why miracle grow is bad for the plants? does it have to do with potency of the buds or is it because it takes longer to grow?

but i have new questions now... i went outside today and found a 2 spiders spinning webs and a fresh batch of eggs on the underside of one of the leaves. I scraped the eggs clean off and killed the spiders but i'm afraid it's just gonna come back again. If I use a chemical treatment to get rid of the spiders would it affect the plants come harvest time, even if I flush a few weeks before? and if you have suggestions for chemical treatments, that'd be greatly appreciated too...

I just don't wanna kill myself once I put these plants to use. =]

thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Hey there - Miracle Grow has a whole bunch of sodium in it according to my "real" gardener pals. Sodium = salt = bad. I think they do it because it dries out your plants and you use more water and more Miracle Grow!

Wish I could help more but I'm on my first too.

Good luck!


Active Member
dont worry about spiders, they eat the bad bugs anyways, they wont do anything bad to the plant. On personal note I would have killed the egg sacks too cuz that creeps me out, but the spiders are harmless, even beneficial.


Active Member
thanks for the info, joebuck. i guess no more miracle grow for round 2.

and thanks for info mikmil, i'll let them stay next time.