First grow need some advice and tips PC case grow


Ok so here is my grow setup. They sprouted late November and the bottom set of leaves have continually fallen off as the new growth showed up. I was having problems with the temperature inside the case, used to be 34C but I've got it down to 27C and it usually never gets more than 30C.

Air flow is great i usually have the side of it open for passive air intake and i have 2 fans for exhaust and 1 for air circulation. Since I put in the fans i have seen new growth in the second picture which was good because by looking at it i thought it was pretty much gonna die soon.

I think the problem with the bottom set of leaves falling off is a nitrogen deficiency, they currently don't get fed and drink tap water I've left to stand with the lid off for a couple days. Should i give them some nutes? i have this (3rd pic) It recommends 1/2 strength for seedlings but i don't want to over fertilize so 1/4 strength? or not at all?

I also thought that i could have been over watering because many people have said that the bottom leaves set will fall off if that happens. I was watering whenever the top soil was dry 2cm down but I've cut back on the watering. Its Tuesday afternoon and I haven't watered since Saturday morning and I plan on watering tomorrow afternoon because they don't appear to be wilting yet.

Advice, tips or constructive criticism?


Well-Known Member
they look badly stretched, for 3 months old that plant is tiny(no offense), mine would normally be about 4 ft tall at least w/tons of top colas/main growth points from fimming them. it doesnt look like a nitrogen def. its because you were overwatering very badly. the heat probally plays a big role in it too, how much is 34c in farenheit? im betting thats alot of heat. how far is the light? they do not need nutes yet imo, they are simply too small, but if you want to give it a shot make sure you give it a very low dose, like 1/8 strength.


you cant really tell from that pic but you can see on the stem where the leaves used to be and they are close together. the light is about 6cm away from the top of the plant and 34C is 93.2F, 27C is 80.6F and 30C is 86F. is twice a week watering good for them? sat and wed. and thanks for the fast reply


Well-Known Member
the best way to tell is to go get a pot thats the same as the one the plants in. fill it with your soil mixture your using, pack it in their a bit but not too densely, now take the pot the plant is in and compare the weight when you pick it up to the weight of the other container, next time you water make sure the soil is totally moist. lift the pot up, see(feel technically,lol) the difference in weight?


ty silent i already plan on re potting them, i have the pots for them they are 13cm tall and 11cm diameter. i wont be able to re-pot till the 22nd though...

dark, that sounds like a better way then what i was doing, picking the pot up and guessing by how light it is if it needs watering. i wanted to invest in a moisture meter but had no such luck finding one in stores

I'm gonna continue to watering twice a week till i repot then i will use your method dark to see if watering is needed. and im gonna start to give them food next watering time after i repot at 1/8 strength and work up as they (hopefully) get bigger. i will upload more pics daily

TY for the advice!


Well-Known Member
How much light are you using? I recently had my plants growth stunted for a couple months like for not having enough light in my grow box.


Well-Known Member
I highly recommend you do not feed it yet. their is a good chance it will burn the plant and either kill it or almost kill it. by 75w do you mean 75w equivelent? (im 99.99 sure you do, since a 75w cfl doesnt exist that i know of, and i've been here a very long time and do lots of reading).


Well-Known Member
if they have been in those pots for three months they may need nutes. I'd feed them a week mix. 30-34c is way to hot! repot and get the temp down for sure.


Well-Known Member
I assume the 75W light is about 20W like said in the FAQ section. "THE TRUTH ABOUT WATT RATINGS When purchasing a compact fluorescent, you will notice that nearly all of them have a larger number on the box, than what it actually is. This number is the lights comparison to the brightness of a standard incandescent globe. Do not be fooled, this does not mean that the light is 100w! It is most likely around 18w." That being said, FAQ also says, "20-30w per square foot for strong vegetative growth." So you may try more light, from what I've read the more the better, and make sure the plants are close to the light so you don't get stretching like you have, but not touching so it doesn't burn. I'm sure adding a intake fan will help with some of your heat problems.

As for nutes I would agree with Dark, they are still seedlings and shouldn't be given any yet. Maybe some root hormone or starter solution.

Also, what soil are you using?


yeah its 75W equivalent and clown i said temps were getting that hot but i have been able to get them to never go above 30 and hang around 27. Wont feed them nutes then just see how the new watering schedule goes


Well-Known Member
youvw gotta figure out a way to get your heat levels down, a 23w cfl is nowhere near enough to grow 1 plant, much less 3. you want about 10 times that, or at absolute least 1 42w a plant.


Well-Known Member
I have used cfls at that size you should be fine with one 23 watt but the bigger they get the more light you will have to add. i have put small plants (under 3") in a group of four under a 30 watt and they did fine. you will need to add more light but your temp is the first thing you need to get right.


ok, im going to buy a couple more cfls today. I watered them today on the new schedule and the water made a puddle on the top soil and hanged around for 4secs before all going below. never had this before but i have seens other people grow where when they water it does the same thing so maybe it was the right time?


Well-Known Member
why do you have them in the pc case? the point of pc cases is to do small ultra-stealth grows, the fact that you leave the one side off all the time leads me to believe you dont have anyone to hide it from. you should get a cabinet and make a grow box you can put intake in and keep the area closed so light is reflected and you can get enough light in to get them decent sized and not worry about heat the whole time.