First grow, need some help with organic defeciency :)


Active Member
What's up guys!
I am doing my first grow and am 6 weeks into veg in a FFOF and FFHF soil mix in a 7-gallon Smart pot. 2 weeks ago I top-dressed with 1 tbsp Alfalfa Meal and 1 tbsp Kelp Meal. I also added 2 tbsp ground malted barley a few days ago and plan to continue that every 2 weeks or so. I believe I went a little heavy on the alfalfa and ended up with some burned tips, and I'm aware of that, but over the last few days I have noticed brown spots showing on some of the leaves that look kind of like a calcium deficiency to me. These leaves are also getting lighter in color. I have included pics, but it looks worse IRL. Soil ph is at 6.8 and all new growth looks good. What do you guys think? I'm doing my best not to overreact and make things worse adding things it doesn't need haha.



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry too much . Are those leaves shaded by chance . And are the lower leaves ? If the new growth is good you should be ok