First Grow, newbie, looking for any advice or help! Kannabia Gnomo


Active Member
Hey ya. I have read alot of grow dairies and guides on this website and i thought i would have a go and give it a try.
me and my friends tired to grow a few years ago but it was too many cooks in the kitchen and it all went tits up, so now i have my own place i thought why dont i try again.
I have bought some Kannabia Gnomo Automatic Autoflowering Feminised Seeds for a first time grow because they seem to be the kind of plants i am looking to grow. Small quick auto flowering plants.
I thought i would first of all just germinate one of them and try to grow it to see what happens and i know im going to make mistakes and learn from this then i am going to plant some more and learn from my mistakes. First mistake i think is that i probably should a done a bit more research on seeds before buying the ones i did and probably bought some lowryders.
I have planted it in a 2ltr pot at the moment with just some soil from the local gardening shop. The seed germinated in a day in a wet paper towel so i have now planted and i have taken photos of it on day 3 and 4 after planting.


My first idea was to try growing on my window but also giving it light with a CFL in a lamp. I can tell already just from my little plant that it has shot up alot in not very long and the stem is a light green so im guessing that it needs more light. So i am now going to turn my closet into a grow closet. I plan to have 2 20w CFL lights in there on a 18/6 light timing, which i am going to go out tomorrow and buy and make. I have bought some Biobizz Grow and Bloom and just waiting for it to arrive now and then i am going to start to use it soonish to help. I think i should maybe upgrade the size of the pot as well?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I have deceied to make this into a grow diary and i have enjoyed reading so many other peoples on this site so i would like to try to give something back.

cheers guys i hope to hear from some of you, and just remember i am a newbie so go easy on me!



Active Member
Right im on day 5 of growth now. it has been taken off the window and i have put it under a 14w CFL just for the moment as it was the best i could do at short notice. i have ordered a 125w CFL so when that arrives it is going to then be put into my closet.
it just keeps on growing up so hopefully there is a light on it, she will start to grow leaves. I hope it will be ok and i haven't put a light on it too late... most of the other plants i have seen on grow guides normally would have leaves at this height.

day5.jpg hopefully photos will be slightly better quality now as well.



Active Member
Hey guys just a little update. Its been about a week sense i got the seed and started this whole little adventure!
Right i have now a little grow area set up in my wardrobe. I have got a 125w dual CFL hanging above my little plant on a 18/6 set up. I have been watering my plant every 2/3 days ( i am probably watering too much as its my first grow, but its hard not to!) there is no nutes in there yet but i have started to use some molasses in my grow. I do not know about the ph level as i do not have any kits or anything to test it out but i am using mineral water as i have heard its better than tap water in the london area. The wardrobe shouldn't be getting to hot as normally it is slightly open on one side to get some air into it. I know this isn't the best set up in the world as it has been kinda rushed though, but hey its my first grow and when i start again im going to start it all over and hopefully do everything better!

So i have got some questions if anyone can answer them!
1. does this plant look healthy to you ... its got some wired colour on its steam (not sure if its purple or a brown colour because it looks different under every light) and i think its looking a little weak myself. im also not sure about the hight and the amount of leaves for it being about a week old.
2 should i line my grow area with some reflective stuff? is tin foil any good for this? i know there is mylar but the problem is its expensive and if im going to totally re do my grow area for my 2nd grow i dont want to spend a lot on it and then not use it again!




Active Member
15 days after getting the seeds though the post (so that probably means the seed has been above soil for about 13/12 days) i have a plant with some fat leaves growing. its not amazing tall at the moment but the 3rd set of leaves are now growing and in a couple of days i should hopefully have a nice set of iconic weed leaves. :leaf:
i think the plant has started to show the first sign of sex, they are feminized so in theory it should be female .... Any help telling me what sex it is will be a great help as this is my first grow.
cheers guys



Well-Known Member
lookin good so far if i were u i would put a small desk fan to blow on them. strong stems equals big buds. i have some kannabia non auto feminized big band and smile going now


Active Member
right i havent done an update in about 2 weeks and i have photos from week 3 of this plant so there will be 2 parts.

week 3

yer everything was going ok and some new leafs are growing and looking fine and good ... well i thought it was

(no idea why the 2nd photo is the wrong way up ... it wasn't when i uploaded it!)



Active Member
Week 4

shortly after i took thouse photos i watered my plant again, i can remember reading somewhere that the Gnomo is sensitive to overwatering so i have been careful and they weren't joking! I woke up the next day to see that the plant alll drooping down and not looking happy at all!!
i put loads of tissue paper under the pot where the hole was to hopefully suck some of the water up and then left it and prayed!
It seems now that the plant has recovered from it, but the bottom 2 sets of leaves went all yellow and with big brown spots on the leaves ... basically they looked dead/dying. I removed these at the end of the stems and now hoping that the plant will do something soon as it hasnt grown much over this past week due to the overwatering.

Im not sure if it is starting to show sex or not at the top of the plant as there is something growing at the top and it dosnt look like more leaves starting but the little bits that are growing are green so i just dont know.... I have tried to take a photo of it but my iphone dosnt like focusing on things super close but i will see what it is in a couple of days anyway! I hope its some bud growing as i would look like to smoke something at newyears eve and i hoped this plant would of been it .... fingers crossed!



allen bud

Active Member
looking good ,shes filled out alot from first week,yer on the right track!!but she need nutes bad,something high in N ,get some foxfarm or something from Ebay 15$ or so


Active Member
the top parts are very light green/white, i just want it to show sex so it can start to flower soon. I just thought if its ment to be ready to harvest 8 weeks from seed, 4 weeks in it should of shown sex. but hey i just need to slow down and let it do its thing....


Any progress mate? I'm thinking about Gnomo for my next grow and so I'm curoius how's your doing... I've found some bad opinions about it at IC forum but it was only 1 grow. Share with us! :)



Hey man they plants were looking good I was think about getting some today was curious on your final product if it turned out?