First Grow Nirvana ak-48 Hydro Any Help or Comments Would be Greatly Appreciated


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long time reader first time poster, i recently just started my first "real" grow i have 2 nirvana ak-48 and 2 heady bag seeds growing in a 2x2x5 foot tall grow box, currently they are vegging under 2 4 ft flouros and 2 2ft flouros . im using humboldt three part nutes with the humboldt roots additive. each of the babies are growing in a two gallon bucket with rockwool and hydroton. the box currently isnt vented but i plan on doing this before i hook up my 250 watt hps for flower



Active Member
they have been going strong for the last three weeks there all about 10 inches tall except the back right bagseed it doesnt want to seem to grow at all. i only had one mishap a few days ago with my nute change, i decided to keep them running full nutes for an extra week but they didnt take to it at all so i went back to the original feed chart and they perked right up in about a day. i have 5 days before i put them into flower and i am concerned about sexing the plants i know two are feminized but the 2 bag seeds worry me any help would be greatly appreciated


Active Member
i am also interested in cloning most of the branches are on there fourth node is now a good time to clone and what kind of cloning solution is best?


Well-Known Member
Man in my very limited experience I have with cloning a lemon skunk. I didn't use any cloning gel and got 4 outta 5. I put em in soil that was watered with FF Tiger Bloom and in a wk they had roots that filled up a solo cup. I took two 2 liter bottles and cut the top and bottom off of one. Then duct taped it to one with just the top cut. Put my clones in these, misted em when they needed it, and put a piece of plastic wrap on top held by a rubber band and small holes in the plastic for some circulation. Damn sorry so long, I'm stoned ha ha. But it worked for me


Active Member
thanks for the info do you think i could do the same set up with hydro? did you like the lemon skunk i recently ordered a couple from dna genetics is that who you got yours from?


Well-Known Member
No problem man. Yea I'd say itd work the same. Just wanna keep humidity on them high so transpiration is slow. Good lookn ak grow too man. I didn't even mention that lol. Yea I have the DNA skunk. It was a pain for me growing in soil, but I'm sure it was my mistakes. I loved the smoke tho, so I keep cloning it. I'm gonna have to follow ur ak grow. My first plant was a bagseed ak and it was great and I'm about to start some more using the same method u r


Well-Known Member
Damn man that's vegging 3 wks!? That's fuckn awesome. I just wonder is my foxfarm nutes would work good with that system. Those main stems lookn thick as hell. I bet they'll be awesome in flower

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
No misting or humidity dome needed or used on clones when growing in DWC !!
Just stick them in a neoprene insert with the stem split down the center a 1/16 of an inch or so, assuming 4 - 5 inch tall clones.
Splitting the stem, or scraping it like some do, exposes the inner Cambium layer.
The Cambium layer is the ONLY place that roots are produced from, inside our beloved plant.

You should see the sex withing the first 10 days of starting 12/12.
Post pics of the balls or the plants internodes if you're not sure it's a male or female.



Active Member
ya there about 6 inches taller than that now and that was taken like 6 days ago ill post more pics when i get home from work but im really suprised with the rapid growth theyve been growing for a month, actually its been exactly one month to the day i planted the seeds in rockwool, the stems are pretty thick i think lol about the diameter of a nickel

FLO GROW, thanks for the info but do you use a clone gel or something along those lines? and i will deff post some pics where should i take the close ups like what part of the branch?


Well-Known Member
Wow so they really grow an inch a day. That's awesome. A nickel? That's insane to me, I do good to get em that thick during their whole lifespan in soil lol. Sorry bout the bad info on clones. That's just how I did with soil. Still seems like u would need to mist tho since they didn't have roots or do u stick the stem in the water?


Active Member
i think the stem sits right above the water so the bubbles mist the bottom of the clone but i could be wrong. ya an inch a day is pretty much what they have been doin for the last week or so. ya three out of four have about a nickel thick stem and the last is about a dime thick. you usually get those results towards the end of harvest? is that because of soil or strain or maybe i just got lucky? have you done any hydro before?


Well-Known Member
Yea I guess that's how itd be done now that I read up some. Never done hydro. Thinkn about doin a 5 gallon bucket DWC my next go because I only have access to miracle gro soil and everyone dogs it so I figure thatd be my alternative. I get horrible yields imo but it may just be all me. But they get better every time I flower a plant so I stay positive. But I've broke even everytime as far as electricity cost and how much $ it saved me


Active Member
hwo much do you usually pull? and all my buckets are only two gallons i think if you did a five gallon dwc youd grow monsters. id deff reccomend using humboldt nutes just check amazon they have the best deals for them


Well-Known Member
Well I've done 5 plants and last one I pulled a lil over an o and a half. But man it was the greatest bud I've ever smoked lol. So do u think the 5 gal is a little extreme or do u think it would work with my 250? Thanks for ur help too man, sorry its hoggin ur thread tho


Active Member
no worries ask any questions you want id be glad to help. Thats what im hopin for that even if i dont get a huge yeild itll make up for it in how potent it is. Do you do one plant at a time? did you pull 1.5 off one plant? cuz in my book thats pretty good im keepin my fingers crossed for an ounce a plant . If your only growin one plant and have the room for it hell ya id go with the five gallon itll be a beast lol, but if you grow multiple plants like me (i like a little variety) id deff reccomend the two gallon buckets


Well-Known Member
yea I've only done one at a time. I built a new room that's 4ftx4ft so I was thinkn of maybe doin 2 in there. Do you think the humboldt grow,bloom,& micro would do good or should I look at different ones? I found those for 40 on eBay


Active Member
id recomend getting those and either roots or white widow from the same company . they work magnificently ill have an update posted with new pics in a couple of minutes, 4x4 with only two plants?! damn im squeezin 4 into a 2x2x5 foot box lol,

for the nutrients try this site you can usually get away with buying the smallest size for the three part, thats what i did and i have plenty for another 3+ grows id jsut go bigger with the roots or white widow additive whichever you choose


Active Member
flower 2.jpgflower 4.jpgflower3.jpgflower.jpg
sorryy for the black lines apparently the hps messes with my camera but as you can see there filling out pretty nicely i put a 27 watt 27000k cfl underneath to hit the under side of the branches


Active Member
Naturea, if you follow this chart with those nutes i can gurantee youll have killer plants ready to go into flower in less than a month grow chart.jpg