First Grow Nirvana ak-48 Hydro Any Help or Comments Would be Greatly Appreciated


Well-Known Member
Those look sweet man. If my plants get an oz a piece I'm sure those beauties will. U ever mess with topping or lst? I guess I think too big lol. But maybe ill just try to grow me some ganjazillas lmao. Thanks for that link too man. Ill have to check it out.


Active Member
no topping yet i did do a little lst on the front right one a couple weeks in nothin much but im more interested in scrog i think itll work great with my set-up, naw you dont think too big i just like to think worst case scenario i hate to be dissapointed so id rather think small and get big and be suprised than think big and get little if that makes any sense


Well-Known Member
Oh yea that makes total sense. I had way too high of expectations in soil. But I enjoy growin em as much as I do smokin em. That's nirvana aks right?


Active Member
I love growin to its like gettin dank bud everyday lol and its always somethin new goin on. ya two of them are i ordered five and the plan was to do all four ak48 but the day before i planted them i got 2 bag seeds from some of the best bud iv ever smoked so i couldnt pass up the oppurtunity to grow em out and see what i can do with them. Im hopin with hydro i can grow enough to last me my girl and my roomate until the next harvest is done because we spend way to much on pot lol. so if i can get 2 os a plant id be more than stoked


Well-Known Member
Heck yea man, good shit costs too much lol. From everything I've read I think ull have plenty. If I can get 2 a plant I'd love it. I may just run the fox farm nutes I got first go round just to c what happens but after I follow urs out I'm goin humboldt


Active Member
i use a 1 inch square air stone that seems to work the best but they get clogged so you have to buy a couple just in case it quits out on you there pretty cheap at like petco or petsmart and i use a whisper quite 60 gallon aquarium pump for the air, def try out the fox farm nutes it would be cool to do a side by side comparison or somethin like that


Well-Known Member
Hell yea thatd be cool but I'm not sure how they'll do in hydro. Hell I bought a 5" airstone for my 5 gallon lol


Active Member
is it like one of these
or one of the long skinny ones i dont reccomend using those but if you got the disc thats the best thing i just didnt wanna spend the money. iv heard pretty good things about them in hydro


Well-Known Member
Oh yea its a disk. I hope it does well. 6 bucks is a lot for an airstone. I was still worried it wouldn't put off enough oxygen lol. I got a lot to learn with DWC


Active Member
you should be fine thatll work out better just attach it to the bottom and itll double as a mixer for the nutes itll stop them from clumping up at the bottom of the bucket air shouldnt be a problem just a cheap five gallon air pump will do just fine


Well-Known Member
Hell yea that's good. The one I have is for 15 to 20 gallons so maybe it'll work well. I hope my net pots and hydroton come in tomorrow. I got a compact t5 I'm gonna use to do a test run. Its a real sweet fixture tho. It puts out about half as much as my 250 mh. But I'm gon try it and maybe grow a short plant the first try just to c if I can do it. Do u test ppm and all that?


Active Member
sorry i didnt read your whole reply i dont test ppm or ph everyone that ive talked to thats using humboldt has said the same thing. i believe its because the humboldt nutes can be utilized by plants on different levels of ph


Well-Known Member
Yea I kinda wish I wouldve used icfls to start but I really like this fixture. Ur plants r lookn awesome tho. R u flowerin now? EDIT I kno u r flowering now. Man those plants are beautiful. I hope mine look that great. So ph and ppm isn't a big deal with the humboldt? Thatd be great. I ordered some last night. I had to, ur a good salesman for em


Active Member
what kind of fixture is it? and ya i started flowering like five days ago no big change in the plants since then just a little vertical growth


Active Member
haha im just a salesman for growin good bud :) regardless of the company lol. I was nervous at first because i couldnt afford the ppm and ph testers and im glad i didnt buy them because i dont need them at all so far. whatd you order?


Well-Known Member
The fixture is a pl55k i think they call it. It was from htg supply. It holds 2 of the twin tube t5s. It holds its own. I ordered the grow,bloom, and micro. Thinkn about getting the white widow and the ginormous