First Grow noobie

Hey yall...

This is my first ever grow... got 2 GHS lemon skunks, 1 freebie GHS white widow, and 2 white widow x big bud seeds a friend gave me off a hermie.. all are feminized except the wwxbb but those are just experimental..

will be planting in 50/50 canna coco & perlite, in party cups then on the bigger pots as they go..
lights will be 12/12 from seed.. reason being because if cannabis can grow in areas that are warm and close to the equator where daylight time is on average 12hrs.. why the hell should i save on electricity then.. not looking for huge yields anyway as a first grow.. just want things to go as simple as possible.

started them out on the 9th into cups.. had the seeds in water for about 36 hrs before putting them into cups.. both LS and the WW had tap roots, the two WWxBB didnt even crack..

water used was just spa bottled water which Ph is 6.

for the first 2 weeks i'll have them under 2 fluorex 65w lights of america cfls then put them under 600W hps.

Here are some pics.. I count the date seedling pop out the coco, As u can see 1 LS and the WW popped but the others are still pending.. patience it is..

#1 & #2 seeds going into cups with water. 3/7/2013

#3 & #4 grow space for the fist 2 weeks

#5 seeds transplanted 3/9/2013 (i threw 2 wwxbb into one cup because none cracked open and decided why the hell not)

#6 this LS seedling popped out in the dark period 7/12/2013

#7 Nutrient line up, Canna Coco a + b, rhizotonic, cannazym, pk13/14, boost, superthrive.

#8 setup

#9 & #10 The white widow popping out 3/13/2013 (day 1)

#11 & #12 LS seedling 3/13/2013 (day 2)

Ill be updating weekly and/or any new sstuff comes up, any questions or comments welcome.. and ofcourse tips will be much appreciated..

Please dont get all why im doin this or why im doing that.. im a newbie so i DONT KNOW lol.. thats why im here to get some good advice from yall!!

Hello Yall.. its been a week. so here's whats up..

The first LS and WW are still alive.. but for 7 days i i think they are still small.. compared to what ive seen in other journals.. but they look ok.. so let wait and see.. maybe its over watering.. but i watered them evey 2-3 days checking the coco/perlite when almost 1/2 inch under is dry.. bot are starting on their 2nd set of true leaves.. which are taking kinda long to develop, so if anybody sees something wrong please advise me... any help is welcomed!!

the other LS and 2 wwxbb never popped.. i just dug em out only to see the LS didnt even progress and the WWxBB didnt even crack.. so i germd 2 other LS and they popped and underway.. pics below

I feed them just water at PH6..

pics below..

Oh one of the 65w fluorex burned out.. i bought a new bulb but it still doesnt work.. so all 4 are under 1 light at about 2" at about 80deg F.. no heat ontop of my hand.

The 8 Day LS..

The 7 day WW

And the 2 newly germinated LS 2 days old

This pic ontop, looks ta the leaves are reallyy drooping.. or is it my imagination??

Well guys this is about it for now... ANY advice would be appreciated.. :) Atleast some advice if im on the right path..

Peace out!!

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Looks like a good start, in the future though you might want to steer clear of transparent containers, it allows light to get to the root zone promoting algae growth. I think that you will be transplanting out of those in time for it not to pose to big of a problem but if you have some electrical or duct tape laying around it wouldn't hurt. In the future the red or blue dixie cups should suit you fine. GL -S0uP
Thx for the advice s0uP, and ur absolutely right! i didnt have any at hand and i was eager to get things going.. Lol.. but i'll be getting them out of that and into 3 gallon pots when they're ready..

Just trying to get memself in a better mood.. all 4 of my babies are alive.. but i still believe its kinda slowwww, or maybe i'm just impatient..


3 Lemon skunk greenhouse seeds.. 1 is at 15 days today and 2 are 9 days today..
1 white widow is exaclty 2 weeks old..

grown in 50/50 canna coco/ perlite
canna coco A+B
Canna rhizotonic
Canna PK
Canna Boost
Super thrive


2 65W fluorex 2-3" away
Temps 75-79
Humidity 56-81%
fan blowing to circulate air
NO Nutes have been fed only 2ml/L rhizotonic ph'd to 6

the two older plants have been transplanted on Monday to a bigger pot. dont know exaclty how big it is because theres no indication. but its not that much bigger.. waiting for the other 2 to gain
some size and transplant all of them into 3 or 5 Gallon pots for flower.
Here are the picz

LS 15 days

2 LS 9 days

This one above looks like its clawing or the edges are curling in.. no idea why.. searched around.. most suggestions where nute burn, improber Ph, and light burn. there are noo nute feeds, ph is 6. i have 2 calibrated pens and the ph strips. and the light is a cfl light i dont feel any burn when putting my hand over the seedling and theres a fan blowing over them..

If anybody knows what is can be please share thanks!

WW 14 days

all n all... they look ok, healthy.. i'm only baffled why they're still tiny.. i dont want to compare.. but alot of other growers at 2 weeks have wayyy larger plants..

well till next week RIU..

AND again any advice and suggestions is highly appreciated!!

Got an up date.. Its been like 3 weeks since the last one..

1 Lemon skunk died... or lets just say.. it wasn't getting far..

the other ones are "fine" except that they are so tiny... 2 are 5 weeks old and one is 4 weeks old since popping from coco... they're in 4 gallon pots now.. 1/4 canna nutes.. and the rest is the same.. temps at 27 tops and night 22/21 humidity around 35-60. transplanted & watered them on the 2nd of april.. and the coco is still wet at the holes of the pots and about 2 inches under from top of soil! i dont know why.. thats 2 weeks ago!!

anybody knows what or why PLEASE help.. i'm nervous that this wont yield SHIT!! its been 12/12 from seed.. theyre under my 1000w hps now..

PICS where takin right before lights on so maybe thats why they look so droopy.. they werent like that before the lights went ofF


1 Month Lemon skunk

5 week Lemon skunk

5 week white widow



New Member
howdy muddz, a thought: i'm only a few weeks into my first grow so take my question with a grain of salt, but shouldn't the plants be on at least an 18/6 light schedule until flowering? i've been giving mine as much light as i think it can take, and it's about a foot tall, though the leaves are less dense than your plants. perhaps increasing the light will give the plants more time to reach for it, thus growing taller and having a little more vertical distance between leaf nodes. just wondering if that might help the shape of the plant, although for indoor grows it seems shorter, bushier plants would be easier to manage.

best of luck!
howdy muddz, a thought: i'm only a few weeks into my first grow so take my question with a grain of salt, but shouldn't the plants be on at least an 18/6 light schedule until flowering? i've been giving mine as much light as i think it can take, and it's about a foot tall, though the leaves are less dense than your plants. perhaps increasing the light will give the plants more time to reach for it, thus growing taller and having a little more vertical distance between leaf nodes. just wondering if that might help the shape of the plant, although for indoor grows it seems shorter, bushier plants would be easier to manage.

best of luck!
Sup Beast.. Alot of people run 12/12 from seed. the plant just veg's until its mature enough and then starts flowering. and yes u are right about 18/6 light schedule gives it more light to do whatever it needs to grow without flowering.. vertical growth has more to do when the plant does not have enough light.. it then stretches to it. thats why when theres not enough light.. (i'm talking about intensity not hours) the plant stretches

I tried the 12/12 because, as i explained in the first post.. that lots of places where people grow weed outdoors.. have an average 12hr day.. and like this also you can keep a perpetual thing going without needing 2 seperate rooms..

I'm just wondering why mine are still so small. and not showing sex yet.. a good friend of mine who has 3-4 grows done also does not understand the plants look good.. a little magnesium defeciency

google 1 month cannabis plant.. see how big those buggers are..

thx for ur help tho!


Well-Known Member
Sup Beast.. Alot of people run 12/12 from seed. the plant just veg's until its mature enough and then starts flowering. and yes u are right about 18/6 light schedule gives it more light to do whatever it needs to grow without flowering.. vertical growth has more to do when the plant does not have enough light.. it then stretches to it. thats why when theres not enough light.. (i'm talking about intensity not hours) the plant stretches
As a first time grower, you should do whatever you can to get them as big and healthy as possible... why do you even want them to start flowering or even showing sex yet? They're still babies... and while they should be bigger at a month, I'm absolutely sure that 12/12 from seed isn't helping them. Hell, I have my clones on 24/0 and they love it. I have to prune them weekly. Think about how much more light and growth they could've had after 5 weeks on 18/6.

35 days x 6 hours = an extra TWO HUNDRED TEN hours of maturing. You could even go 20/4 and get more growth out of them.

That said, I'm rootin for ya dude as it looks like you're doing everything else well - they look a little underfed/underwatered but that's just my humble opinion. Ever consider using a root stimulator like Roots Excelurator or Rapid Start?

Sendin good vibes your way, bud. :leaf:
As a first time grower, you should do whatever you can to get them as big and healthy as possible... why do you even want them to start flowering or even showing sex yet? They're still babies... and while they should be bigger at a month, I'm absolutely sure that 12/12 from seed isn't helping them. Hell, I have my clones on 24/0 and they love it. I have to prune them weekly. Think about how much more light and growth they could've had after 5 weeks on 18/6.

35 days x 6 hours = an extra TWO HUNDRED TEN hours of maturing. You could even go 20/4 and get more growth out of them.

That said, I'm rootin for ya dude as it looks like you're doing everything else well - they look a little underfed/underwatered but that's just my humble opinion. Ever consider using a root stimulator like Roots Excelurator or Rapid Start?

Sendin good vibes your way, bud. :leaf:
THX theSauce!.. Well the 12/12 reason was just to keep things simple.. I actually got the inspiration from this thread most of these by 1 month they are already actually flowering, and I've seen some nice results. about the root stimulator i have root juice from biobizz and rhizotonic canna, ive been using the rhizotonic every watering since they first popped from the ground.

And since yes i am a first grower.. I cant really tell if they are under or over watered.. I havent fed them since more than 2 weeks and the coco is still wet 2 inches below. so i dont know if i have to leave it dry out or give them a feeding.. all i know is that a rule of thumb is wait till the medium is almost completely dry, by checking its dry weight... then water.. then lift till u feel like its almost at its dry weight.. and right now I cant remember cuz its been 2 weeks since i lifted it up empty!! LOL..

I guess i'll just keep monitoring and learning as i go... ill post pics in a sec showing that they're not that droopy anymore..


New Member
i see what you're saying about the outdoor 12/12. though, the point of growing indoors would be to control the environment as much as possible to get highest/best yields. i have been putting my plant outdoors at the brightest/warmest hours of the day then bringing her back in under lamps to get several more hours of direct (blue) light before bed, which she seems to be liking. all in all, i'm on about 21 hours on a day and she seems to dig it. from what i've read (again, first timer here, too) the natural plant cycle goes through intense vegetative growth in the first stages with all the "sun" it can handle without burning, then just into "autumn" or flowering they begin to show sex and reproduce. so it would seem that the plant will be expecting a whole lotta blue spectrum light through the veg stage, tapering hours (and intensity, slightly) off a bit into flowering (at which point it will begin showing sex) and using red light to mimic autumn/flowering/reproduction, i.e. you're gettin' some sticky buds.

maybe this makes sense, maybe it doesn't. a lot of things could be strain/growing region specific. i thought mine would be showing sex by now from what i'd read, but it still is pretty hard to tell so i guess i'll just wait it out and keep veggin'. there's so much conflicting info out there, it's really hard to tell.

you could take clones and sex them, but you have already got a 12/12 going and are trying to keep a continual grow situation. it may help your babies in the long run, though.

anyway, looking forward to seeing what you go with, and hoping it rewards you handsomely!


Well-Known Member
THX theSauce!.. Well the 12/12 reason was just to keep things simple.. I actually got the inspiration from this thread most of these by 1 month they are already actually flowering, and I've seen some nice results. about the root stimulator i have root juice from biobizz and rhizotonic canna, ive been using the rhizotonic every watering since they first popped from the ground.

And since yes i am a first grower.. I cant really tell if they are under or over watered.. I havent fed them since more than 2 weeks and the coco is still wet 2 inches below. so i dont know if i have to leave it dry out or give them a feeding.. all i know is that a rule of thumb is wait till the medium is almost completely dry, by checking its dry weight... then water.. then lift till u feel like its almost at its dry weight.. and right now I cant remember cuz its been 2 weeks since i lifted it up empty!! LOL..
For sure dude, while I'm relatively new to growing, it's not my first rodeo - and I consider myself to have a decent green thumb. At least a green finger ;) But yeah, you're growing in coco and perlite, so you really honestly don't have to worry about overwatering them at this point. So long as they have a stable root system, they'll be able to handle all the water you can dump on them. I feed/water my plants daily, they love it. I never, ever wait for the top to dry out. Can you? Sure. It'll increase salts in the medium a bit and in turn make you have to leach it more often. Water away, my friend.

While I wouldn't change the light cycle now, I really would love to see you try 18/6 or 20/4 next time just for 3 weeks or so. Your plants will be bigger and undoubtedly more mature than they are right now.

...i have been putting my plant outdoors at the brightest/warmest hours of the day then bringing her back in under lamps to get several more hours of direct (blue) light before bed, which she seems to be liking.
Just watch out for bugs! I managed to bring some spider mites in last time I was moving ladies inside and out :(
i see what you're saying about the outdoor 12/12. though, the point of growing indoors would be to control the environment as much as possible to get highest/best yields. i have been putting my plant outdoors at the brightest/warmest hours of the day then bringing her back in under lamps to get several more hours of direct (blue) light before bed, which she seems to be liking. all in all, i'm on about 21 hours on a day and she seems to dig it. from what i've read (again, first timer here, too) the natural plant cycle goes through intense vegetative growth in the first stages with all the "sun" it can handle without burning, then just into "autumn" or flowering they begin to show sex and reproduce. so it would seem that the plant will be expecting a whole lotta blue spectrum light through the veg stage, tapering hours (and intensity, slightly) off a bit into flowering (at which point it will begin showing sex) and using red light to mimic autumn/flowering/reproduction, i.e. you're gettin' some sticky buds.

maybe this makes sense, maybe it doesn't. a lot of things could be strain/growing region specific. i thought mine would be showing sex by now from what i'd read, but it still is pretty hard to tell so i guess i'll just wait it out and keep veggin'. there's so much conflicting info out there, it's really hard to tell.

you could take clones and sex them, but you have already got a 12/12 going and are trying to keep a continual grow situation. it may help your babies in the long run, though.

anyway, looking forward to seeing what you go with, and hoping it rewards you handsomely!

Yessss there is a whollleee lotta conflicting info out there... i actually had them under 130W (actual) of 6500k cfls, but just at 12/12.. then my friend told me get them under the 1000w, but then i told him, the leaves are so smaall.. all that waste of light.. and you know how it goes from then.. And as expected it is my first grow.. so errors are made.

After this Grow I'm really gonna make a dedicated veg room and a dedicated flower room..

OH, and right now i'm not looking for huge yields.. i'm just looking to have a yield.. if you know what i mean... is It too late now to change back to cfls and put them under 20/4 or 18/6?

some pics from today.

White Widow

Cheers!! and thx for all the advice so far guys!!


Well-Known Member
They look N deficient, and I also think your light is overkill at this stage... Not to say it'll hurt them, I just think it's inefficient and wasting your electricity right now. I'm REALLY not trying to be discouraging, I'm just trying to say what I would do at this point.

Y'know, if you're not super invested in them you could try to switch them to a longer light schedule. The fact that they're still "in veg" might let you get away with a lack of weird growth. If anything, they might just stop growing altogether for a few while they revert their hormones back to veg... then you'd find a hugely explosive period of growth when they figure out that they're getting tons of light and are actually supposed to grow. Maybe just try to grow these out and start a couple new seeds under the cfl's at 20/4 right now, and see what happens? I'm shocked at the clones I've raised with CFL's... they look better than the seeds I started under a 600w mh.

Either way, it really looks like they could use some food. :joint:
They look N deficient, and I also think your light is overkill at this stage... Not to say it'll hurt them, I just think it's inefficient and wasting your electricity right now. I'm REALLY not trying to be discouraging, I'm just trying to say what I would do at this point.

Y'know, if you're not super invested in them you could try to switch them to a longer light schedule. The fact that they're still "in veg" might let you get away with a lack of weird growth. If anything, they might just stop growing altogether for a few while they revert their hormones back to veg... then you'd find a hugely explosive period of growth when they figure out that they're getting tons of light and are actually supposed to grow. Maybe just try to grow these out and start a couple new seeds under the cfl's at 20/4 right now, and see what happens? I'm shocked at the clones I've raised with CFL's... they look better than the seeds I started under a 600w mh.

Either way, it really looks like they could use some food. :joint:
Your absolutely right! the only reason why i switched to the 1000watter was because my friend who had has succesful grows recommended it... more than half of the light is just shining onto the floor.. I dont know.. he does it and he has great results..

I think i'm just gonna leave these as they are.. give them a feed... see whats up for the next few days... my biggest fear is watering them with the coco still wet.
its all about trial and error.. but hey! atleast they're still alive after a month!!..

starting a new batch of seeds under cfls is a good idea.. i'll have to make a lightproof cabinet so i dont bother the 12/12 plants..

thx again guys


Well-Known Member
Your absolutely right! the only reason why i switched to the 1000watter was because my friend who had has succesful grows recommended it... more than half of the light is just shining onto the floor.. I dont know.. he does it and he has great results..

I think i'm just gonna leave these as they are.. give them a feed... see whats up for the next few days... my biggest fear is watering them with the coco still wet.
its all about trial and error.. but hey! atleast they're still alive after a month!!..

starting a new batch of seeds under cfls is a good idea.. i'll have to make a lightproof cabinet so i dont bother the 12/12 plants..

thx again guys

No problem dude - and seriously, do NOT worry about overwatering at this stage in their life. They have established roots, and the amount of perlite and coco you have in your mix will allow them to have plenty of oxygen. Basically the only time you're gonna worry about watering them too much is during the first week or so of growth. It was hard for me to grasp the concept myself - having done soil grows prior - but honestly the plants really thrive, and I've never seen a bit of root rot. You can definitely water daily, even when the coco is wet. Happy growin bro!


Well-Known Member
every thing looks great. nice to see people putting some time in doing a good job, only advice I can give . get a small light to start seeds and those very small plants save electric