First Grow of Blueberry X Bubblicious CFL/Flourescent Grow Room 4' x 4' x 2'


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My First Grow
Lights: 2 T12 40w 3000k bulbs + 2 23w 2700k bulbs. If this grow is a success I will be upgrading to either a few 125w cfl bulbs or a 400w hps, depending on how well I can maintain the environment.
Soil: Miracle Grow: Potting Mix feeds plants up to 6 months. I know some people say you can't grow in it, but so far for me, everything is going fine.
Pot: 44" x 22" x 12" (44g)
Grow Room: 4' x 4' x 4' Scrap Wood Enclosure
Plant's: Blueberry x Bubblicious (Received from friend from that had really good bud)
Nutrients: Anything without chemicals.
Age: 12 weeks roughly
Misc: Some plant's are topped, some are fimmed, some are both, and 1 is none.
I'll start the journal from when I transplanted them into this final pot.
Day 1: Transplanted 12 healthy seedlings.
Day 11: Topped around half the plants.
Day 15: Added 25w Blue LED Panel.
Day 25: Very high humidity levels and very warm in the grow room since day 1, didn't do anything about it since they are vegging still and that's what vegging plants like. But found some mold problems and took the pot out, got rid of the mold and painted the walls white. Added a smell proof ventilation at the near the bottom of the box mainly to control humidity levels and it's been working perfect.
Day 28: Topped a couple more plants, Fimmed around half the plants.
Day 44: Lollipopped some plant's and ended up putting 2 of the cuttings in a cloning area.
Day 47: Plant in the back of one of the pic's that looks extremely sad died from the over watering.
Day 49: Switched to 12/12.
Day 52: Confirmed my largest plant that I thought would be a male to be a female :D
Day 55: Pulled 3 plant's that started stacking balls (male's for sure).
Day 57(Day 1): Confirmed the rest of the plants (6 of them) to be all female. Flowering officially started.
Day 2: Today, posted this. :)

The last picture was me being funny/romantic with a lady friend ;) :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:



Active Member
Here are the plant's as of today. Idk if all plants do this or not but it seems very weird that some look more indica and other more sativa than others. Has anyone else had this happen to them before aswell? Other than that the plant's seem pretty damn healthy, I'm not sure all are going to fit vertically so I've been looking up for a way to kinda stunt the vertical growth of without effecting the buds anyways, I found something but it was never tested on cannabis before.: Can anyone tell me if they know anything about this?2013-03-07 12.23.33.jpg2013-03-07 12.23.40.jpg2013-03-07 12.24.41.jpg2013-03-07 12.25.14.jpg2013-03-07 12.28.30.jpg2013-03-07 12.30.45.jpg2013-03-07 15.39.21.jpgMy baby girl on my pool table being perty.


Active Member
you can always try some LST on your girls and/or have the CFL's at 1-3'' away from plant, it will help with your vertical growth. You veg them for quite some time, you have to be sure to have sufficient light for their stretch/bud production.

subscribed + rep! bongsmilie


Active Member
you can always try some LST on your girls and/or have the CFL's at 1-3'' away from plant, it will help with your vertical growth. You veg them for quite some time, you have to be sure to have sufficient light for their stretch/bud production.

subscribed + rep! bongsmilie
Yeah, there was no way for me to start flowering any earlier than I did because I didn't have any sort of ventilation system before. I normally keep my lights close to the plants unless I'm gone for 2+ days thanks for the info.


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Day 8 of flower. In the past 6 days these plant's have shown great progress. I even put another plant that I had in my veg station inside here a bit ago and it's already a confirmed female as well so 7 total so far :D Only other plant's I have in my veg station is 2 clones that I tried to plant while lollipopping my plants.
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Is it me or does the bud formation look a bit off?
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Here's more pictures of the babies
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Active Member
Here's one of my leafs that was laying on the ground, at first I thought it was pretty normal because I hadn't cleaned the floor of the grow room in around 4 days and there was only 3 leaves out whole plants down. But looking closer into the Cannabis Leaf Deficiency Chart it might seem that I have an iron deficiency? It's only on some of the older bottom leaves that don't get as much light as they used too that do this though so maybe it's just the leaf is dying off slowly from not recieving sufficient light? Suggestions would be highly appreciated at this pointed because if it is something that's hurting my babies I would rather fix it now before it gets too late.
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Active Member
Day 13 of flower. I placed 2 clones that I've been vegging for a little bit in the flowering room. I am not expecting much from them it is mainly an experiment. One clone is growing naturally with 4 tops and the other is growing naturally with its normal 1 top so time to see which plant get's a better yield, once I find that out then I'll have a good idea on what to do for my next grow. I also added 2 more 26 watt 2700k CFL bulbs to help out.
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Have you only been using the 3000k, 2700k, and LED during the veg?
I'm setting up something literally just like this and have only 3500k and 2700k, but thought you needed 6500k to veg.
I have more 2700k bulbs I'm not using right now cause of this, so if they'd be good to use, then I'd be on it so they can get more light

As for your concern about room so they don't grow too tall, you could always try bending them next time to cover more surface area


Active Member
Have you only been using the 3000k, 2700k, and LED during the veg?
I'm setting up something literally just like this and have only 3500k and 2700k, but thought you needed 6500k to veg.
I have more 2700k bulbs I'm not using right now cause of this, so if they'd be good to use, then I'd be on it so they can get more light

As for your concern about room so they don't grow too tall, you could always try bending them next time to cover more surface area
No, I switched it up throughout their growth. When they were seedlings they were receiving light from 1 23w 5000k CFL, then moved to 2 23w 5000k CFL, then added to that the 2 fluoro tubes and eventually added the LED and left them to veg. I wouldn't recommend an LED panel for an extra source of light unless it can cover a decent amount of space, mine didn't cover much, literally 1 plant if that but luckily the other lights were plenty for the plants to thrive. You don't need specifically a 6500k bulb, that's just what works best but pretty much anything above 5000k is fine so you might wanna try to get some of those bulbs to help your vegetation growth as well. But if I was in your shoes I'd rather use all the light I have rather than not simply because the plant is a weed and even though it may not be optimal, it will get the job done for her. Oh and for my stretching problem, they all slowed down from their very vigorous growth from before. Not to a complete halt but enough to where I'm comfortable with them and confident they won't outgrow their area but thank you c: Let me know when you start your grow because I would love to see someone's grow that's similar to mine so when I start my next one I might see an idea or two I could use.


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Day 21 of flower. I recently found out for about a week or so my lights have been messing up. When the lights come on they stay on for around an hour then go off for 5-30min, come on and does it once more then is constant. I fixed the problem but found some nanner looking things on 1 of my plant's topped parts. Around 5 of them and when I squished them yellow powder came out. The 2 clones have been under 12/12 lighting for 8 days so far and still no signs of sex.
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The plant in the quart sized pot seems to have stopped stretching and is looking nice for being put in there late.
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I also have a little runt in here, I didn't have the heart to toss her and still don't. She's about half the size as all the other plants around her and her pistols are starting to brown. I'm assuming this is from not having as much light as the other plants because the bud sites are quite a bit smaller too.
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Here's some pictures of the rest of my girls :)
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Active Member
Day 28/Week 4 of flower. Comparing from last week's pics the buds seem to be swelling pretty nicley but I'm not liking the yellowing of dying off of the leaves towards the bottom of the plants, but I guess it's just the life cycle :/
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These 2 little girls are looking decent so far, taking a while longer to start to flower but that's fine with me.
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My little runt still has around the same size buds, maybe a tad bigger and a tad more trich development but not much really. Sorry the pics of the runt is blurry, she's hard to take pics of.
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Active Member
Lights: 2 T12 40w 3000k bulbs + 4 26w 2700k bulbs. I know I still need better but it's getting better :) I moved the 2 bottom lights off the ground and closer to some some of the most promising bud sights in that area, bending and snapping some stems to get some of the buds closer, but anything to help before she really starts swelling. Also I cleaned the place of dead leaves, I'm sure you can tell. Leave feedback and also if anyone has a grow similar in terms of lighting and amount/size of plants can you tell me any information on the harvest or a link to the grow? I would love to get a rough idea of what I may or may not harvest towards the end so that would be very appreciated c: Keep tokin stoners, sorry if anything is off in the typing's that I do, I usually take a few bong hits before checking up on the plants and postin on the forum :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
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Active Member
I have my lights to switch on and off at 12. Just suits my daily life better and I recently found out that everyday at 8:18am the light will come on until 8:42am then shut off and act normally. So far I haven't noticed any serious side effects on any of the plants but should I be worried all that much? Also added another 2700k 23w CFL light, up to 207w now c:


Active Member
Day 35/Week 5 of flower. Fixed my lighting problem, now it's perfect 12/12 again as of today :) The more indica dominate plant's have a good amount of brown hairs and crystal formation starting while some of the more sativa plant's hardly have any brown hairs and not much trichomes. Also my little runt plant is still pretty puny with little to no buds on it still. I'm calling today the official day of flowering for the clones, took 22 days for the clones to start but at least they're on their way. Some of the pics are no good but I didn't feel like going through them, so here they all are, enjoy.
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Active Member
Day 42/Week 6 of flower. I doubt i'll be getting even 1g from the little runt but she's worth her grow in experience. My small 1qt container plant started to lean towards some side lights and my 2 clones are looking pretty nice so far too being at Day 14/Week 2 of flower. Hopefully the plants will really start to swell the next 2 weeks, I'm not expecting the more sativa plants to be done for maybe another month give or take a week.


Active Member
Day 51/Week 7 + 3 days of flower. The sativa dom plants are gaining more calyx's and looking like it starting to swell but not. The indica dom plants are starting to swell and everything is just smelling oh so nice. Can't wait to have my first taste of this fine doja.
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Active Member
Day 57/Week 8 + 1 day of flower. Switched the lights to 13 hours on 11 hours off about a week ago and gave them the first nutes a couple of days ago, just to help boost the flowering a tad.
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