First Grow On My Own


hi all i got 6 clones from a mate all 6 rootes tho 2 of them only had 2 0r 3 poking out i transplanted them yestoday in to 11ltr pot with canna coco and perlite mix im using canna coco A&B so mixed up some mix which was 0.8 ec dont no if this is to high then i ph water to 5.9 only thing is when i got the clones the leafs were abit white ill ad pic just wondering if this is normal



Well-Known Member
those are going to be ok if you take really good care of them. you say they have roots? how much light are you using? i would say give them a mild nutrient solution to stimulate growth,and if you have some clear solo party cups (beer pong cups) put one over each close to act as a humidity dome. for the future tell your friend to cut the leaves back when they take cuttings being that the fan leaves will eat of most of the energy needed to make them root.


im using a star lite florecent its got 2 45w bulbs in it ill buy sum of the cups tomoro i have a normal size watering can with canna a&b 10ml of each iv just been pouring sum in a jug and giving them a really light feed once a day and yeah thay had roots not many tho last grow i done was in soil and had a problam with overwatering and ph as i didnt have a ph tester but stocked up this time


Well-Known Member
the clones are off color because they were rooted in a cloner prolly...with water that was too acid. they will green up if you plant them in a limey mix (no offense). figure about 6.8:)


yeah he had them in a propogator not heated but when i got them they were drenched i really dont think the lad who i got them off has any clue about how to clone what do you mean mate limey mix


Well-Known Member
add lime to your soil. bring the ph up. unless you already bad. they will green up for you. mine always look similar because of the tap water. but soon as i put them into soil they bounce right back.


there in coco mate the ph is at 5.9 im not 100% sure but is that a good ph for coco checked them today looking loads better the leafs are starting to rise up now insted of being lazy should i still add lime to coco


rite then 4 days in still got 1 white one but other 5 are starting to grow new little leafs so i must be doing somthing right