First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
Hi GigglePimp, thanks for looking. Yeah I think that's what's done it, it's no worse today thankfully. Hope we get the weather too - not as good as what you'll be getting I'm sure LOL.


Well-Known Member
Have you thought about using a cardboard (or other) cover for the tops of the pots?
You could cut a circle of heavy gauge cardboard that is slightly larger than the pot is and make a slit to the center of the circle where you could make a hole large enough to allow the plant to pass thru.
That could keep most of the rain from the soil.
It could very well be too much water causing a lot of your problems.

I dropped something on one of my plants once when it was vegging
some leaves got shredded (like the images you showed)
it did not noticeably affect the plant
In fact the most damaged leaf was one of the last very bottom fan leaves to remain
as the rest of the lower ones dried up and fell off later on.


Well-Known Member
Hi Alto and thanks for the comments. Yes I have been thinking about how best to fend the rain off. The fact that the soil is constantly wet is not helping matters and will eventually lead to serious problems. I like your idea and will have a look around for a suitable material. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Windburn became a problem for me as well... you can see it on my large clone in my journal. I will probably be posting an update to my journal today, but it seems like windburn was definitely what happened to yours. Try some super thrive. Ah rain.... :), get landscape screen/netting, and put it up around your plants (I gauruntee that it will releive your plants of their stress (as you can see in my journal I have done that very thing, as well as put sheets of 3 ml plastic all the way around the Garden. Its Super Hot and Super Windy here this year. Good Luck! I will be checking in, to see how things get better.


Well-Known Member
yeah windburn and over watering.... even if your outdoors, having a flourescent close by is always a good thing ;). As my botanist friend has told me it along with maybe some clear shower curtains would be perfect for you, when I grow indoor I use flourescents all the way through... just moved to the sides of the plants instead, standing tall off the ground for maximum exposure.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by laodeddragon, and for your helpful comments. Your garden looks great btw. My plants have to be mobile unfortunately so I can move them around to get maximum sun (we don't get much here as it is). The damage was caused while the plants were in a section of my garden which is about 10 feet above the rest and it is much more exposed. I already had my plants sunburned while they were up there, and now wrecked by the wind LOL. I've learned my lesson now I think and they definitely won't be going up there again. I also tied tem up using bamboo canes, so they are looking much happier. Today was quite dull, but they are still looking nice and green and healthy thank goodness, and they even grew some (it's easy to notice now that they have the canes to act as a guide).

As regards the rain I can get them reasonably well sheltered but if it's windy the rain gets blown in onto the soil, so I will try to get the soil covered tomorrow. Thanks again for the input ;)


Well-Known Member
hi gb
some of the damage to ya plants looks like somethings been nibbling at them alot of pests come out at night when ya dont see um dont rule that one out theres alot of nasties out there


Well-Known Member
Hi bob, thanks for stopping by again. You're right about the nasties in the night LOL - every morning I find a new hole or two somewhere, but nothing too serious. I'm pretty sure most of this damage was sun/wind related. The photos don't really show the most obvious stuff. There's a clear "pattern" to it - e.g. if you look at the largest fan leaves every leaf on each fan will have identical, brown "burn" marks/holes between the veins all the was down one side, I presume that side which was uppermost or exposed to the sun/wind. The shriveled/missing tips on the smaller leaves is a bit of a mystery, so you could be on the button there as regards pests. I'll probably never know, but I've been regularly checking plants throroughly for bugs etc ever since and haven't seen anything at all. Might get that book you mentioned on Star's journal, sounds good - thanks for the tip. And thanks again for looking ;)


Well-Known Member
green i got some good news go in asda if you got one!! they sell some shit called doff greenfly and blackfly killer also fuks spider mites and whiteflys up cost about £1.25 its in a ready to use blue bottle man works wonders mate trust me sry i didnt post it before im always stoned and forget things:joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks UK - will be down there later so I'll have a look at it. Don't want to spray unless I really have to, but better than losing half my leaves LOL. Cheers mate, catch you later bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hi Alto, thank you I must read up on "safe" bug control. I really don't think I have an issue at the moment, but if we get half decent weather over the next couple of months it may well become one. If my problem is especially bad at night I can always set the plants indoors after dark (I have a couple of options there). Thanks again for the link ;)


Well-Known Member
OK just a small update. Plants have grown another couple of inches since I tied them up with bamboo canes, so the canes don't seem to have done any harm. One plant I referred to before had a deformed growing tip - the baby leaves were all twisted and stuck together and were starting to rot at the tips - so I decided to just top the plant and pinched out the entire tip. It will be interesting to compare the yield (if I get that far) with it's twin sister which is about the same size and bushiness etc.

Oh and the tip I removed - I dried it and smoked it LOL and, although a little rough (I just dried it for a few hours between the two halves of a double radiator) it tasted just like bud. AND believe it or not I got a really nice hit from it as well. After about 15 or 20 minutes of nothing I thought I'd wasted my time, but then I noticed a tingling sensation in my back which gradually moved up into my neck and head and "bang" there it was, a really uppy cerebral type of high, the sort that makes you want to get up and do something, typical of Sativa, which I haven't felt in a very long time :) I should explain I haven't had a smoke in ages and I'm also very sensitive to weed at the best of times, so no doubt that helped. But the hit was definite and strong. Put it this way, if these plants produce bud that is as good as what I got from that growing tip then they'll do me fine. However, if all goes well they should be a hell of a lot better (obviously) so I think this weed is indeed going to be very high quality as the ad said. Now of course I'm in danger of topping more plants just to get another smoke LOL - I will do my best to resist ....


Well-Known Member
Man, gotta love that uppy sativa high, eh? That's half the reason I'm growing - so difficult to find anything but ultra-heavy, dank couchlock indica stuff around. Everyone wants to be a zombie, I guess. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hi jayzero - I know what you mean. All I can get my hands on these days is couchlock weed or soapbar, which I wouldn't put anywhere near my lungs now that I know what's in it (eg boot polish etc - already knew cause I could taste it plain as day). So I just stopped smoking until I can sort myself out with something nice ;) Based on that shoot, which I can't get over to be honest, I hope even more than ever that these things flower well for me.

Just a couple of hours ago I found what I think might be pre-flowers on the same plant I topped. Will up a couple pics shortly and see what everyone thinks.


Well-Known Member
Following my update today, I have found what I think might be pre-flowers on the plant I topped. They are not on the main stalk, but on a side branch. No hairs but if they are indeed pre-flowers they look female to me. What do you guys think?

Grateful as usual for any comments ...


Well-Known Member
Nice photos but they look like plain old leaf/branch nodes to me.
at least its not male parts :)


Well-Known Member
Think you're right Alto thanks. Have been out looking again and found a few more similar ones with more "leaves" poking out. As you say, at least they're not male bits LOL. Thanls again ;)