First Grow, PC CFL Bagseed.


Active Member
Well, this is my first attempt at a grow, and starting out small. To see the very beginning of the grow, check out this link (; Had 3 to start and lost 2. I had some problems early on, started doing things right and the plant pretty much exploded. I am running 2 26w CFL's in a smaller computer case with about 40-50cfm running through it, completely covered in panda film (started with paper and lights too far away). Right now they are in FFOF soil, getting just water about every 2 days till a little water comes out the bottom. In the 3 pics attatched you can see how the plant recovered from the first few weeks of super slow growth recently, the pics are only 4 days apart after taking weeks to get the where it was in the first pic. If you guys have any ideas or constructive criticism, tell me!

First pic is 4 days ago; 2nd and 3rd are today.



Active Member
Here's a pic from yesterday, does anyone think the stem growing at that angle will be a problem? I was wondering if I should tilt it straight up when I transplant into a bigger pot?

Anyway, the new growth is looking really good today & I'll try to update with some pics when I can.



Well-Known Member
Looks great and no the angle is not gonna hert it just fix when u transplant if u want ive grown many that way on perpose for better lighting to side and bottom


Active Member
Day 26

Here are some pics from today. How common is the yellowing and dying of those bottom leaves on the plant so early in it's life? Well, they haven't died (yet) but they are getting more yellow every day, the new growth however looks as good as ever.



Active Member
And here are two from inside the PC case all sealed up. One with flash and one without, I wish it was that bright in there all the time!



Active Member
Day 28

Hey folks, there has definitely been some growth within the last few days, although I am becoming worried about the heat issue, the temps inside of the case are around 90-100 sometimes but cooler during the night, around 80. I am hoping that once we get settled we will be able to build her a new home, with better airflow and more space. :)

Of course no sign of sex yet, but here are some cool close-ups. Nature is wonderful! :D



Well-Known Member
Maybe you might like to add one or more fans and yellow is usually not enough N to keep up with new growth or if it is only on the older leaves then the light is not supporting them anymore. If the yellow is in the center of new growth then you need more N.

That's some good bagseed.


Well-Known Member
Well the case has 2 92mm fans, probably pushing a total of about 40-50cfm. That case is probably 1/2 a cubic foot (foot tall by foot long by 6" deep), so that means the air is circulating more than once per second...should be plenty right? I'm wondering if she's just already sucked all the nutes out of the FFOF we have her in. Most people say put nutes in after about 3 weeks, but this little girl was stunted so she is shorter than she should be considering she is @ 4 weeks, do you all think its ok for nutes now? Maybe a small dose to see how she reacts?


Well-Known Member
Well guys she is lookin a little rough at the moment, we don't know why for sure yet though so were lookin for your help! All the leaves are pointed up, most have the tips curling while we are getting severe yellowing starting at the bottom leaves working its way up. It looks like some pics i've seen of a copper deficiency, but also looks like she's getting burned. Temps in the case have unfortunately gone as high as 95-100 before, but are usually around 85. Other than the bad discoloration her growth has been amazing, she's bettin getting bigger and bigger. Tell me what you think! Tonight we transplanted her because she was getting a little big for her pot, and we figured she could use the fresh soil anyways.



Well-Known Member
i would cut the completely yellow leaves off at the bottom.
i don't think there is any use for dieing leaves to take up energy from the new growth.
but maybe you should look into it before you do it. :)
good luck man


Well-Known Member
well. little update here. we found out she was gettin too hot, and she responded really well to removing one of the bulbs. Right now she is at about max height for the case she is in, so it's time to move her. i'm gettin an area set up that can house her, and the comp case for clones and such, but going ot keep it smallish. right now she's a little pissed because of the heat again but the move is coming soon.

Aside from the problems, she seems to be growning pretty damn thick, tell me what you guys think!



Well-Known Member
Well I've got her now, so I'm takin care of her from here on out. I got the beginnings of a new box together. 24x24x16 deep, panda filmed all walls except top. What you see in the back left corner is a 3-stage carbon filter my buddies and I made, have a 92mm fan attatched to it as an exhaust. The fan is powered of a 9v transformer so its a little underpowered (on purpose for noise). Now you guys are probably like WTFBBQ 1 CFL? Well I have the means to use 5 off that center area, but I am not using it yet. Right now my main battle is TEMPS. I had 2 CFL's to start, got up to 120*! I have it running 1 cfl right now with temps around 85*. I know that is still not good, I am going to have to transition from a passive intake to a fan intake w/light shield. Another concept I'm going to try to impliment is a cool-tube effect. When I add more lights they are going to be coming off the side of that main socket, I want to put a peice of plexiglass just below the lights that goes from side to side, and front to back with holes drilled in it for air to pass through. The concept is the same as a cool tube, the plant gets the cool air, then the air passes up through the plexiglass, over the lights, then out the exhaust. Hopefully keeping most the heat from the lights AWAY from my baby.

Anyways, on to Hottie (decided it kinda fit eh?). I know shes looking kind of sad right now, and I want to verify with you guys that it all looks like heat damage. Tips curling down, lower leaves are getting lighter/yellower but top growth is a rich green.



Well-Known Member
ALSO, as this is my only baby I really wanna clone her for sexing purposes and reproduction. None of the chutes seem large enough yet, if this was your plant what would you do?

Thanks, Lips


Well-Known Member
I did some more searching and came back to the same conclusion as before, copper deficite. Here's a portion of a plant help article with a pic:
"Picture 1 is a copper deficiency, (it may look like a over fertilization ( nitrogen) but look at the bottom of the leaves, notice how they are yellow and a bit of white, also some of the fan leave tips are brown and dying off.)"
We will see waht I can get with copper in it to help her out =D


Well-Known Member
=P lol. it actually does pass through 3 different "pockets" of activated carbon inside that filter, thats why I called it that =P


Well-Known Member
well I got an intake cut into the box, put my 2nd light back in, and started LST'ing her. She seems pretty damn happy, and today i picked up FF Grow Big, as it has copper in it =D. Feed her a little bit of that tonight and hopefully the copper def. will go away! I'll have pics later.