First Grow, PC CFL Bagseed.


Well-Known Member
PICS TIME! First one is a pic of the box, contents, and the beginning of my LST'ing The lady running the hydro shop I went to today to get the Grow Big was badass and gave me a few sample packets of some powder nutes for flowering, you can see them in back (yellow + red bags). Next pic shows the new growth. She's growin pretty fast, but you can see the tips curling from the (hopefully) copper def. she has. The final pic is of the lowest set of fan leaves, over the past few days they yellowed a little and slowly started burning, again seems like copper def.

She seems 100% sativa to me, as she is tall and slender, and one thing that I find odd compared to alot of your grows is she hasn't had a single actual branch off the main stem yet. Fan leaves all over and new growths at the main nodes (potential bud sites?) but nowhere to take a clone from her :-(. Tell me what you guys think!



Well-Known Member
lol its all good man i gotcha.

Got an update with pics though =D. the LSTing is doin its thang, the growth at lower nodes seems to have picked up a lot, top has slowed down a little. I'm interested in topping her to really slow down the top growth and speed up the lower nodes growth, but her tops are so close together I don't know where I wanna cut yet, I don't wanna cut of too much (even though it would just basically still work if i went too far right?) Anyways also got a nice pic of one of the fan leaves, man this has some skinny leaves! On to the pics!

The next 3 are lower node growth

Side shot of the back of some leaves at the top

Spread your wings baby =D

Aaaand heres a tip curling, i've been feeding her a weak dosage of grow big for hte past couple waterings, I can't tell if it's helping with the leaf issue (below) but it seems to be helping with growth.




Well-Known Member
well I pretty much called BS on my cheap ass thermometer today, it has been reading these high temps the whole grow when I KNOW it isn't really as hot as it shows. I stuck it RIGHT in front of the fan in my room, to get an accurate temp. Yeah...I didn't know my room is sitting at almost 90* fact it feels kinda nice in here LOL. based on what the thermostat is set at, this $2 thermometer is off by about 15* hahaha. Man it makes me feel good to find that out. that means real grow room temps have been lingering around 80* actual, if not a little below. I did some more LST'ing, I'm really going all out on the LST. I want to see if I can get her to wrap around the entire pot, I think that would be badass! Pics in a little bit!