First grow pics


Well-Known Member
today its DAY 14 FLOWERING
had a sneek peek at them last night and they had grown an inch over night i hope they slow down abit as there is only about 8 inch more grow space lol


Well-Known Member
dude you know Lowes has 100w CFL's get 3 of those, and you might beef up your flowering. but if you can't afford em keep up what your doing :) btw. they are like $10


Well-Known Member
i`m going to stick to what i`m doing untill the next grow as it will be alot bigger grow cheers bud

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
wow, day 14, how much have your plants already grow in the 14 days of flowering I am on day 3 today... What are their respective heights now? They looked to be pretty tall and happy!


Well-Known Member
they were 12inch tall when i started flowering thats 14 days ago and now they are 16inch tall well al be checking them in just over an hour


Well-Known Member
yeh lol they aint stretching they are just growning well too well i have just checked them and they have grown another inch in 24 hours BUGGA i think i am going to have to make a new grow room cos i`m running out of space


Well-Known Member
I`m going to start another 12 clones tonight as i have just made a clone box out of an old motorbike backbox al take some pics of them probably next week


Well-Known Member
my latest pics

Question .. is it normal for white widow to have 8 buds or more on it as i had another look and count
plant 1. 8 buds
plant 2. 11 buds
plant 3. 12 buds
plant 4. 16buds

Also bare in mind they are only 17 inch`s tall and on FLOWERING DAY 15 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????



Well-Known Member
yippee i`m moving my babys into a new home tonight ive just been given a 6foot x 8foot shed so i have sheeted of a section 2 1/2 foot wide by 5foot long and 5 foot high also added some more lights so no i have 6 100w energy savers and 1 100w daylight bulb just been and check the temperature and its happy at 78f.
so will be moving them when its time for them to wake up i will take some pics of them in there new home later tonight 9pm gmt/uk time.
ta ta for now....


Well-Known Member
sorry for a delay i moved my plants on the 2nd into there new shed and while i was out someone tried braking into my shed so ive been moving everything around and decided to bring them into my house so here are some pics

p.s are they crystals on the leaves​


OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
careful man, your gonna get robbed- it sounds like someone already knows about them... who else would brake into your shed. Did u move these plants into the shed in the daytime, were ppl with you...? You better watch ur plants asses bro.

But as for those asses- they look great lol! clearly way beyond the pre-flowers- starting to nug up... do you have fans on them? those stems look skinny?


Well-Known Member
i`m sorting my fan out tomorrow it broke in the move lol

ive found out who ( TRIED ) to brake into my (Single skinned wooden) shed he`s a local theif he wont have a clue what was in there anyway it will hurt if he tries again and i hope he does cos i rested all my wooden doors behind it so when he opens it he will have the shock of his life lol ive left it unlocked for him lmao

cheers bud

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
nice! let me know how that works out... and then resecure and move em back out there- sounded like a good set up- specially if you could set up a skylight for flowering...

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
wow your leaves are really getting crystally, i dont believe mine are that crystally yet- but i am still misting them....

What day are you at? are you misting? have you?

Nice dog as well, does he/she have a name...


Well-Known Member
flowering day 33 i think misting whats that lol nah i have just been feeding them thats it lol

dog is called tosh 2 years old he is a husky-alsation crossed with a rotti he`s my babe he hates neighbours kids and the postman

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
lol a great looking dog...

And you are about a week and a few days ahead of me- perhaps that is why my leaves are not so crystally-

is that a new thing...


Well-Known Member
a new thing u mean dog if so yeh lol or if u mean crystals they started about 2 weeks ago they are very sticky/tackky lol