first grow! (pictures of setup)


im curious if my leaves are getting burnt or not and i need a better way to ventilate because it says its 95 degrees in my closet. the lights were about 3 inches from top leaves and then i backed it away cuz its so hot in there. NEED HELP! i think



btw its been about 6 days and the leaves havent gotten bigger. should i transplant it? i could see one little root coming out the bottom of a crate


Active Member
Yea you should transplant soon if the roots are wanting more space already. I don't know what you can do for your temps. Do you have a fan blowing in and one blowing out? The one blowing out should be somewhat high off the ground to exhaust the warmer air than the fan on the ground or bottom taking in the colder fresher air. Hope that helps.


just transplanted and got fan going in and out and got it down to 85 degrees with door open. but idk if i can do anything when doors shut. should i just used carbonated water as water source so i can grow in 85 degree temps?


Active Member
85 should be fine. i mean its not going to destroy your plant but you should be fine. hmm it looks like a fairly large closet space too team should be easier to regulate


are those red 2700k lignts? Are you flowering now? If not they should be blue 6500k or close.


they are 42w and didnt have a kelvin number on box. it said soft white. and i just picked up 3 23w 6500k so that should even it out. would my plant still grow if i just used red spectrum though?


Active Member
yeah, I had trouble finding anything above 30W at Wal-mart. I would try looking at Lowe's or Home Depot (you could check their websites first) and if you still don't find it I know you can order one online if you need 42's.


another question. during seedling stage like my pictures is it really important to have a 20/4 light schedule and when the light is off that no light enters like in the flowering stage?


Active Member
20/4 is preferred by some people but it isn't really 'normal'. Most beginning growers do 18/6 from seedling to flower which is about 2 months in total. After that stage you just decrease the lighting to 12/12 and you just wait until the plant shows its sex (hope for a female!) then a month or two later it will start looking like shit to smoke, and when it's 'done' the pistils will start turning brown. I recommend looking at the harvesting and curing section when that time comes. You have ways to go and it will feel like forever till it's finally done.


20/4 is preferred by some people but it isn't really 'normal'. Most beginning growers do 18/6 from seedling to flower which is about 2 months in total. After that stage you just decrease the lighting to 12/12 and you just wait until the plant shows its sex (hope for a female!) then a month or two later it will start looking like shit to smoke, and when it's 'done' the pistils will start turning brown. I recommend looking at the harvesting and curing section when that time comes. You have ways to go and it will feel like forever till it's finally done.
Unless you're growing a auto flowering strain, If so(which is all in my head that could possibly make sense with this extremely low lumens your plants are getting, it's okay for now, but if they are a normal strain then you're going to need to get many more lights, many many more, I'm going to be using 10 of each in a 34x34 wooden box that's around 3-4 feet tall, adjusting the lights daily as my plants get bigger, Probably even adding 2-4 lights per side of the box, but that will be a little expensive considering how many power stips I'd need, But my first grow will just be with lights above like you are, Just 7 6500k and 3 2700k for the vegging stage, then 7 2700k and 3 6500k for the flowering stage, I wanted 10 of each bulb but that got a little pricey, Either way I suggest you get some more bulbs when they start getting bigger.


Active Member
im curious if my leaves are getting burnt or not and i need a better way to ventilate because it says its 95 degrees in my closet. the lights were about 3 inches from top leaves and then i backed it away cuz its so hot in there. NEED HELP! i think

looks good but for veg state you should have a blue light 65k. And watch your temp 100` is way to hot for a plant to grow. 85 is not to bad.

Here is a couple pics of my plant



B2B how are you able to keep your lights so far away from your plants?? i wanna build a grow box so its more stealthy.

here are some pictures of today. im very curious to know when my plants are gonna start exploding. cuz right now they look the same.
and do you think a car window reflector is ok to use?



moved to a PC box. i have not seen a significant amount of growth in the last couple days. i think they are just not getting enough light but im not sure. heres pictures. wanting to get just one 125w CFL but no one carries them. and cant order it to my house.



btw the ladies in the first and third picture look to be a little discolored towards the center. can someone tell me why? or what i should be doing now.


Active Member
Im pretty sure the first leaves fall off when the other lager leaves grow and take there place so its farly normal i woudlent worry about it


Well-Known Member
They look pretty good, with temps you will find that it has a lot to do with the actual temperature in the room.

Like someone said already 85 is fine to grow, 90-95 is pushing it. 75 is ideal!

How old are they? What kind of soil? How often are you watering?

I would say in about 1-2 weeks they should start to blow up. Once they get there true leaves and like 6 nodes I would transplant them. Here's a couple of mine that I will be transplanting soon. These where grown under 2 27w 5500k cfl's and 1 70 cfm cpu fan for exhaust. This is also with topping them 1 week ago so that stunted them a little. The two smaller ones are in party cups and about 3 weeks old from breaking ground

