first grow, plants looking a bit lackluster

ii dP ii

I have some photos in this thread. they're a week days old. maybe I'll try and get some pics later today.

11 days into flower
MG garden soil I know this is bad but i'm on a tight budget
temps 79-84 lights on 76-77 lights out
hum 50-55%
I water them when the soil gets dry 1.5" down
using alaska fish fert every 3rd or 4th watering, 1/2 strength

I'm thinking I have a pH issue, but not sure, I don't have a meter yet.. any ideas?


Well-Known Member
You're using MG, so I don't think you should be adding more fertiliser. Looks like you're burning your plants.

Also, it looks like they were light-starved for their first few weeks of life, meaning that their stems are too thin and may be struggling to provide enough water to the more abundant recent growth...the pots also look too small. All in all, not ideal starting condition...though I'm sure that will improve next time round.

Though I don't think they'll give you a great harvest now, they are certainly recoverable to the point where you will get something. Stick to plain water for now unless you start to see signs of N deficiency. See how they react. Don't overwater, and don't let them sit in their own run-off...raise the pot off the saucer with stones or gravel.