First grow...plenty of ??


Well-Known Member
im in need of some serious help. this is my starting a closet grow. its a walk in, size: 7 f L, 4 f W, 8 f T. i have 12 seeds that have germinated, but have yet to sprout. i know they have germ'd because i dug one up, and it had a single root a little over an inch. i think i killed that one, because i touched the root with my filthy hands, but just in case i carefully re-buried it. anyways, i have a 400 watt HPS and 10 sockets that i plan to use CFL's with just to give them some extra umph. this is my problem though, i only have 6 pots, so i planted 2 seeds in each, not giving much thought to how big they would get before they show sex...they are planted about 2 inches or so from each other. will that be ok to grow them like that untill they sex? how big and whats the average time pot shows sex? btw, im growing 4 WW seeds, 4 Ice, 2 Thai stick, and 2 (maybe one, if i killed the other) Crystal. please, instill wisdom upon me. if my CFL's add another, ohh, lets say 20,000 lumens to my current 55,000 lumens from my HPS, how much yield can i expect from 6 plants? i think i have a pretty sweet set up for my first grow, including all 6 surfaces covered in black and white poly, 2 inline fans for venting in and out air, good light, good soil, and i have a ph kit, temp and humidity detector, and i will get Co2 for flowering. i will start a grow journal with pics when my room is fully finished.


Well-Known Member
If those plants are grown within 2 inches of each other, that will definitely not be enough space for them. Check out any grow journal and look at a plant that is even a few days old and you'll see that the leaf-span far exceeds two inches. As far as the roots go, they will be impossible to part without damaging both sets of roots even after a few days.

Look around house and improvise if you are short on pots. Any kind of washed plastic food container that you make drainage holes in would do. A plastic cup is fine to start them off in, or a cut off drink bottle, a yoghurt pot etc.


Well-Known Member
Just because one seed germed doesn't mean all 12 did. As soon as you can, get those seeds in seperate pots!!!!
Their are several ways to determine the plants sex. If you wait for preflowers it will be about 6-9 weeks. At about week four you can take a clone and just flower that clone to determine sex. Their are other methods to but you need to do some research.


Well-Known Member
ok...glad i asked. ill whip those babies out and seperate them. any ideas on how to do it in the safest way possible for the plants? and is it ok to grow 12 plants under 75,000 lumens untill they sex?


Well-Known Member
You should hope that those root systems don't grow together, or're kinda fucked.


Well-Known Member
75000 lumens is a bit much for seedlings (especially double planted seeds that will be going thru transplant shock), I would go with the cfl's to start, keep them around 12" until they have 2-3 nodes. I know plenty of people that veg with CFLs (daylight and bright white is my choice 5500-6000k)

in the future, it is normally never a good idea to plant more than 1 seed per pot, if you have extra, buy more pots or save some seeds for the future. (sprouting in solo cups works well, and is very very cheap)

you should be able to move them, they will stress and may die, but if you are careful and don't disturb them in excess... you should have a fair number live.

in each pot, only touch/transplant 1, that should reduce any stress on the one that you don't touch, so at least you will not end up with all dead plants.


Active Member
If the roots from two seeds intertwine, improvise. If you get one male and one female in a pot, you can still kill the male, right?

What you're going to give up is nice even growth... they're gonna grow like bushes you see planted against buildings most likely. They'll adapt, just feed them and provide some light. Yield will be down per plant, but hey, it's a first grow. Go with it.

You could try to train them away from each other as well. Put them in a big pot with support sticks towards the edges. As they grow keep pulling them to the side until you can tie them off and force them back skyward.

Just my $.02.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
ok. so today i separated all of the seedlings. i couldnt find 2 of them, im assuming they didnt germ and i lost them when i was digging. however, 10 did germ, and already 2 have sprouted. one WW and another Crystal. i know that 75000 lumens is too much for seedlings, i havent even assembled my little CFL project yet, i figure i can wait a week or two and see where my babies go before i add the extra power. so now i have 10 pots, and 4 of them are really shitty Gatorade and the like. haha. anyways, i have my hps light around 3 and 1/4 feet from the pups. the 2 that have sprouted look great. so is it ok to grow 10 plants under 55000L HPS and 20000L CFL? just untill they sex atleast?