Think again grasshopper

.....I hit all my shit with eagle20 EW..... kept it away for a week.....just like the dutch master zone and penetrator did
I have tried everything available on the market to get rid of PM......I'm a licensed commercial pesticide/herbicide appilcator
How does your plant get pm in the first place?? Its not born with it ....seeds dont have it.....
Airborne spores cause the fungus.... just like with grapes or roses
If PM was systemic... I would have NOT been able to send my strains/clones to my bro in Denver and have him grow it...he would have got pm ....none to speak off
I know a owner of a dispensary in Denver... hes growing from seed only.....hes got PM in his seed did he get it??
Systemic PM in seeds...I dont think so