First Grow Preparation Help

hello! this is my first thread....bongsmilie.
I need some help with growing outside. This is my first grow ever and based on the circumstances I have to grow outdoors in a very secuded spot not far from where I live.
What I am asking of all of you guys (and girls) is a little advice as to how to go about this and my main concern; what kind of soil would be best? Please feel free to ask any questions ill answer back asap.
Quick background if you need it is that:
Im growing with feminized seeds...once i get em
My grow spot is in the northern hemisphere
My grow spot DOES get TONSSS of sun.
And there is no access to natural water:(
and thats it sooooo please hit this thread back!!!

Thank you!

Kommander Kush:eyesmoke:


Active Member
if possible get your plants going at home first, while they are getting started at home, you can get your plot reddy, dig as big a hole as u can 1mx1mx300mm deep for each plant(if hard,clay,bad drainage dig trench out one side, loosen sides of hole, put gravle,charcole,sand in bottom of hole to help with drainage) fill with good blend of soil. i also put water crystals in mine(clear rocklike things that soak up water) because i carnt check them regulary, should help with no water near sight.
dont know about fem seeds or auto seeds dont use them myself. good luck


Active Member
well the one thing i can tell you if you have to walk the water in you might want to get a way to store alot of water in and spend a day filling it so you are not always hauling water it becomes a real pain.. and look for a natural spring that you might be able to use...and how hot is it going to get there because you will go through alot of water and with higher heats that will increase ALOT


Active Member
yes just get them started , u can start early that way covering them at night,green house, ect, moving them in day to get more sun, keep bugs off, get them as big as u can then plant in bush.
I wouldent use auto or fem seeds. but i dont no anything about them, the good thing about bush plants is the size so y would u limit them by autos
okay, thanks for all the advice.
I like the water crystals idea that will eliminate some work hopefully.
and i would like to use regular "bush" plants(dont really know what "bush" plants are, guessing they are jus regular seeds)but i am a little limited on time (dont know the regualr cycle of plants though and when to plant) and i wanted to use the autos cause i heard they grow extreamly fast. the feminized i'd like to grow also, this is only because i was worried about the ph and i dont want to spend money on good quality seeds and get a bunch of males. naw mean???


Active Member
2-3feetx2-3feet square x1-2foot deep, that is exstream but as big as u can, my size plot will support a 2-5 pound plant,(right unit of weight i hope) 1-3 kg.
sorry mate your guess is right on seeds,
lots of mates have used fem seeds( i havent) nelly everyone has had a horror story, hermies + just straght males. up to u thow
a good idear would be to get a soil test kit check soil at location, ajust soil at sight early (takes time for dirt to ajust) or lug your soil mix up there, dont just through seeds on a dug patch of dirt and expect a pound of pot , more work (research) prep time = more yeld
thanks alot for the visual on the size of the hole and ill probabily get a ph soil tester or whatever ive read around here and found that they are cheap. Thanks for the advice man.