first grow problems

im a super newbie...

please help.. this plant is 4months old but still isnt flowering (i got the seeds from weed that i got), so i trasnferred it at the back of our house where it cud have pure darkness at night... i also used bloom booster to make it flower.. but now lots of the leaves are turning yellow and the leaves are down.. is this alright? are they gona start flowering? thanks guys.. Photo 32.jpg

Photo 27.jpg

Photo 29.jpg

Photo 35.jpg


Well-Known Member
you need 12hr of dark. so in the next few weeks the light will be 12/12 then they will start. If there out side just let them do there thing.
What up... I'm also on noob status.

Is that where you keep the plant?
yeah at the back of the house lol :P just transferred it before it was in front hahaha people didnt seem to recognize it... but if it flowers well its gona get noticed

btw, i also see some white eggs at the back of the plant so i made that nicotine tea then tried using it and cleaning the leaves that have the eggs.. is that the reason the leaves are turning yellow or because its starting to flower?


Well-Known Member
it looks like nute burn also... try feeding with water only for a week or so.. the reason for the long time to start flowering is its a sativa which will take way longer than indicas.. Be patient.
nute burn shows more on the tips. what nutes are you using?
blossom booster. 10- 30- 20 but i think i made the fertilizer instead of teaspoon to tablespoon and i thought the less water with the fertilizer the better.. how dumb of me...

i flushed it already.. its doing great ill be posting some pics later....