First Grow Progress.


Well-Known Member
Well, so far so good on these girls.

I have some incredible mid growing and the larger looking ones are Carnival.

The " good stuff " are 13 days old and surrounded by 360 watts of T12 Flo's.

The end of next week, I will be putting a 1000 watt HID on them for the rest of Veg and HPS will be used for flowering.

These five Carnivals, seem to be from really good genetics.

Hard to believe the white little hairs that are on them as compared to the Mid.

Should be great for pain and Spiritual.

Anybody got a suggestion on when is the best time or size to do LST?

I have four of these 48x18x12in totes that will have about 25 to 30 plants in all and it seems that I may benefit by doing some LST.

My total floor space for this grow will be 24 square feet and 1000 watts of lighting power starting next week.

Be Blessed and Thanks for any insight friends......TheNatural



Well-Known Member
umm dude im stoned so i aint reading all that u just wrote..

but in the second photo it looks like u ave about 16 plants in one tub,correct me if im rong...


Well-Known Member
umm dude im stoned so i aint reading all that u just wrote..

but in the second photo it looks like u ave about 16 plants in one tub,correct me if im rong...

Well, good morning friend and enjoy the fine Herb you are having as I am joining you in a morning smoke.

Two of the four foot totes, have 10 mid plants growing in them and two of the other four foot totes, have five Carnival in each one for a total of 30 in all four totes.

Blessings, TheNatural


Well-Known Member
um i dont think thats a good thing . having all the plants in there,the roots will strangle each other,.

y are they all in one big tub?


Well-Known Member
um i dont think thats a good thing . having all the plants in there,the roots will strangle each other,.

y are they all in one big tub?
I had four of these big totes and figured with all of the dirt that they hold, that they should handle that amount of plants with no problem, as long as I do not let them get too big.

You could be right and I am blessed with the ability to admitt when I was wrong and do better.

We will see how it works and hope for the best.

If it does not work; " at leats it was a good first experiance and I can apply what I learn to the next grow. "

Love, seems to be the best added ingrediant and one that we have plenty of.

Blessings, TheNatural


Well-Known Member
I had four of these big totes and figured with all of the dirt that they hold, that they should handle that amount of plants with no problem, as long as I do not let them get too big.

You could be right and I am blessed with the ability to admitt when I was wrong and do better.

We will see how it works and hope for the best.

If it does not work; " at leats it was a good first experiance and I can apply what I learn to the next grow. "

Love, seems to be the best added ingrediant and one that we have plenty of.

Blessings, TheNatural
thats a good outlook! personally, I doubt there will be any problems caused by having several plants in one 'tote'. I'm using a few 10L planters for a few of my plants. seems if there is adequate water\nutes for all, there will be little or no competition between plants, IMO

I'm planning to do LST on my more mature girls very soon. I think after 3 weeks, but before the main stem gets too 'woody', maybe 5 weeks, is a good time to start.

oh, you may want to swap the foil for mylar or white, opaque, plastic sheeting.



Well-Known Member
thats a good outlook! personally, I doubt there will be any problems caused by having several plants in one 'tote'. I'm using a few 10L planters for a few of my plants. seems if there is adequate water\nutes for all, there will be little or no competition between plants, IMO

I'm planning to do LST on my more mature girls very soon. I think after 3 weeks, but before the main stem gets too 'woody', maybe 5 weeks, is a good time to start.

oh, you may want to swap the foil for mylar or white, opaque, plastic sheeting.
Thanks friend.

The room does get a substantial amount of natural sunlight also, but not as much as I would like to let come in as not to draw any unwanted attention to my little passion here.

Everything I eat and do these days is Raw and Organic and my health has went through the roof.

I am using an Organic soil and worm castings.

I discovered the beauty and benefits of Cannabis only one year ago and it has been a Godsend to me and my wife and of course it is the greatest gift on the planet for resources.

I.M.O. Cannabis that I have tried that is grown Organic and in soil, has a much better and long lasting smoke/high/benefit, than what I have smoked on Hydro.

I have smoked some pretty strong strains and have enjoyed them all, but the best I have smoked, came months ago from a friend that grew a small crop of regular old midgrade in the soil and did it without chemical fertilizers and it was the most potent and smooth smoke of any Hydro I have had " Master Kush, The Purp, Citrus, Grandaddy Kush, A-K ect.ect. could not compare to the quality.

Hydro, seems to be the way to go as far as having a setup that can be quick and constant, but for little guys like me that just want to grow their own, I have a feeling that soil and patience will result in a mind blowing smoke.

We shall see and thanks for the info on LST.

I will wait until they are better than three weeks and then start.

Blessings, TheNatural


Well-Known Member
I wasn't too concerned about my health...until I reached 40, so I lost several pounds and cut out most junk food, but still love natural snacks like nuts, cheese, fruit...I'm a snack addict. LOL I started smoking weed young, @15, and progressed to tobacco. quit weed about 7 yrs ago, recently began growing and smoking again. I still use tobacco, but h8 it! I got a vaporizer to lower the impact of, at least, marijuana. I couldn't rationalize forcing smoke from both sources into my lungs. trying to quit tobacco....worst drug in history! its really hard for me to quit. I'm not sick or anything. no cancer...that I know of(fingers crossed).
if you don't know anything about vaporizers, you should really look into it.
if you think you/your wife might benefit from one...I suggest this one...
it's one of the best, on the market, for the price...which is great!
I have this one, it's nice, but, now, wish it had features like, digital temp setting, and forced air.
I ordered from that site...legit with competitive prices.

vaporizing also processes less CBN/CBD, which is great for me...I don't wanna sleep/munch/zombie.
almost a pure THC high...bouncy and active, is what I prefer. I can get this high, even from a strong indica.
most ppl would have total couchlock!


Well-Known Member
I wasn't too concerned about my health...until I reached 40, so I lost several pounds and cut out most junk food, but still love natural snacks like nuts, cheese, fruit...I'm a snack addict. LOL I started smoking weed young, @15, and progressed to tobacco. quit weed about 7 yrs ago, recently began growing and smoking again. I still use tobacco, but h8 it! I got a vaporizer to lower the impact of, at least, marijuana. I couldn't rationalize forcing smoke from both sources into my lungs. trying to quit tobacco....worst drug in history! its really hard for me to quit. I'm not sick or anything. no cancer...that I know of(fingers crossed).
if you don't know anything about vaporizers, you should really look into it.
if you think you/your wife might benefit from one...I suggest this one...
it's one of the best, on the market, for the price...which is great!
I have this one, it's nice, but, now, wish it had features like, digital temp setting, and forced air.
I ordered from that site...legit with competitive prices.

vaporizing also processes less CBN/CBD, which is great for me...I don't wanna sleep/munch/zombie.
almost a pure THC high...bouncy and active, is what I prefer. I can get this high, even from a strong indica.
most ppl would have total couchlock!

I was a walking dead man a year ago and my wifes health was slowly getting worse and we are only in our 30's.

The Great Spirit, lead me to an understanding of getting back to nature and letting nature provide for us exclusively.

We eat nothing but Raw Foods and that includes meat and our lives have transformed my friend.

I know now, that we were intended to take our food's in their most Raw and Perfect forms.

My research was very extensive and countless hours and most importantly, we are experiancing the best health of our lives and that is the most important evidence.

Everyone else we know still has aches and pains and gets sick at times and we have virtually none and all of our health problems have completely left us.

It was Cannabis one year ago, that helped to lead my mind to a higher understanding and contact with the Spirit and it helped save mine and my wifes lives directly and indirectly and that is with No DOUBT.

I hope that more and more of our especially young Cannabis smokers will understand the true meaning of this plant and help raise our cause to all new hights, by showing more of the positive attitude that us Cannabis users " should have. "

However, like anything we have all types and some may never know or understand or even care about the true abilities of this " Tree Of Renown. "

Education,Passion and most of all LOVE, will bring us all hopefully to the New era of Peace and Tranquility.

To your Health and Your wonderful Grow........TheNatural