First grow, purely home-made, CFL.


Well-Known Member
WTF plant looks like its had better days
and that is only a idea coz thats what the plant will do if the light are too close or too much water .


Well-Known Member
try backing off the light a couple of inches and not watering for a lil bit and see what happens...if nothin else you could always go back to how you were doing things


New Member
Indeed it is KH, I am going to try putting the lights a little farther i guess. To see how that goes. But so far so good i apreciate the help guys.


New Member
Day 12 Veg

Well, The plant is growing furiously, the only problem is the new leaves are clawing like eagles talons. It smells awesome right now, really skunky with a bit of a sweetness(probabally the molassas)
Any help with the curling would be apreciated, they can be getting too much light or heat stress, the lights are about 4 inches from the top, so almost too far, and there is a fan blowing right next to the plant at all times... So its about 74f right next to the plant lights on at all times.

The stem itself is getting very thick fast and the leaf devolopment on the nodes is booming right now.
Very green sof lushy leaves, while the top leaves are almost paperlike at the tips...

I also noticed that on one sides the secon set of fan leaves there are two growing fused at the stem, like two sets of 3 leaves on one node.



Well-Known Member
i dunno whats poppin, but i would say keep checking that good airflow, and temperature...maybe pH. none of mine ever did that, even the ones that died out


New Member
i dunno whats poppin, but i would say keep checking that good airflow, and temperature...maybe pH. none of mine ever did that, even the ones that died out

Im starting to think its partially a trait this plant has, because its groing great, smells good, and the leaves are less papery, but they curl down like that... Time will tell. I am hopfully getting some supplies today so wish me luck.


New Member
So i just got back from the hydro store, picked up a bag of fox farms ocean forest and light warrior, i mixed them 60-30 and transplanted my plant, then i bought a light meter/ph tester/soil moisture monitor, good deal for 8 dollars lol... i am hoping to see improvment soon.


New Member
Absolutley, by the way the ph is about 6.9-7 in the soil with water, And my water is ph at 7-6.8... I really dont understand why its curling under. I have tried less and more of everything changed the soil and numerous other attemps. But nothing, not even it getting worse. it just has this weird habbit of curling the tips down.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
that ph would only lockout Mn, how offen do you water them,
also what you do today you might not see the effects for a few days to a week
so i would let it settle in, i hope it perks up.
if not and you know its not overwatering then i would look into your room temp is it above 80*


New Member
No my room is consitently 75-78 lights on and 70 lights off.
I water them now whenever my moisture meter reads in the red in the general soil area, i usually probe it a few different places to get an average.
I am going to get some epsom salts then, maybe ill see some improvement.

Thanks for all the help man greatly apreciated.


Well-Known Member
thats ph imo. gets some ph down, nutes absorb best around 6.0-6.5,

check out the grow faq. or ask the hyrdo shop, they'll agree that your ph is too high.