First grow question.... Stunted growth?

I'm currently on my first grow... Looking to produce somewhat connoisseur grade medicine for myself...I'm about 4 weeks in, and I'm concerned my plants may be experiencing a growth stunt. I am unwilling to provide pictures, but here are some details about my grow:

My bud gave me a handful of 'Bubber' (The package says BB X NL#5) seeds. I am currently growing 10 of the seeds.

My room is 8ft x 8ft x 7ft tall.

The walls are coated in silver Mylar/insulation.

The environment in the room somewhat fluctuates. Generally, the room is 75-85F. My intake is hooked up to a thermostat that keeps the veg room heat @ a max of 91F.

I am currently vegg'ing under a 600W mH lamp (The main producer of heat fluctuation in the room...) with two 250w T5 4 bulb fluoros as suplemental/side/under lighting. (I also started the seedlings under the two T5 fixtures and just recently, 3 days ago, introduced the mH.)

The mH is in an aircooled hood, but I have taken the glass out and it is not hooked to any kind of cooling system.

Having just introduced the mH, it is about 4FT above the canopy of my ten plants. The two t5s run 24/7, but the mH runs from 8am-9pm.

I have adequate intake/exhaust as well as a circular fan blowing across the plants/room.

Each plant is in a 5gal bucket. Two of the TEN plants are in 15 gal pots.

Last week I began feeding them Humboldt's Verde, subculture M, light CaliMag, and throughout the entire growth I've used blackstrap molasses.

I water with a 2 GAL sprayer, 2-3 times a day. In my sprayer, I mix in 1 teaspoon of the subculture every 3 days, 8oz of molasses every time, 2ml of verde, and 1 teaspoon of calmag. I make sure the soil is moist 2-3" down, and is crusted by the next watering. I go through the 2gal mixture every 2-4 days. Could I be over/under watering?

Now to my concern, and remember I am just scratching 4 weeks into growth from seed.... I am worried my babes are stunted. The tallest of the ten plants is ~10", the shortest 5" all with several nodes, but not incredibly bushy. Each plant is lush green, no signs of yellow or pests or any deficiencies, and raised upwards towards the light. Is my growth stunted? Considering my plants look healthy, should I be concerned?

I plan on switching to 12/12 with a 600W HPS once I get alternating nodes/the leaf blade count stops raising and/or 12" minimum height across all ten plants. Will growth pick up after the change? When is the ideal time to flip the switch? Any other advice/comments/questions that could lead be towards a successful, or at the very least, not entirely disappointing harvest? Thanks in advanced.


Well-Known Member
what strain? strain makes a HUGE difference. if they look healthy and nodes are close together you my friend are doing good. height is not always good (stretching) I really wish i could see a pic but thats your choice you gave plenty of info some of the vets on here should be able to help you better. But with the picture i have in my minds eye should be ok. are the fan leaves slender and long or fat?
The packaging says BB x NL#5, aka 'Bubber'. So I'm not entirely sure. There are some purple stalked phenos that I've noticed. Everything from the internet tells me it is most likely Big Bud x Northern Lights, but like I said... I am not entirely sure :/. The leaves are super fat. The first set, is just one round leaf towards the lower part of the stem. Then it goes to 3 bladed leafs, then to 5, then to 7. On the biggest plant, the fatty leaves could cover my palm. The first set, on the tallest, have started to yellow a bit.


Well-Known Member
probably nute burn i haven't used any nutes yet except the mg soil im using and i'm 5 weeks in cuz im scared of nute burn. I'm on my first and second grows right now. neither finished yet one in flower other just starting first week in. I'm no expert but do you have your t5's below the plants by chance. any light on bottom will stunt growth cuz it doesnt have to go anywhere to get closer to light source.
Are yours 5 weeks from seed? The t5s are to the side aiming up towards the bottoms of the plants. If that were the cause of stunting, would that necessarily be a bad thing?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be growing big bud crossed with white widdow soon I'm anxious to hear your yeilds that yellowing on top concerns me though more than your short plants


Well-Known Member
Yes i grow mine from seed. my tallest one is just over a foot right now. I use 24/7 light for veg. I would also reccomend you got a weird light schedule try doing 18/6 with both lights instead of dropping intensity like that. how close are your t5's
The yellowing is at the lowest pair of leaves ONLY on my tallest plant, they are the first leaves it grew, the small rounded ones at the bottom of the stem. If I switch from the light schedule I have now to 18/6 will it stress my plants? The t5s are about 2/3 feet away.


Well-Known Member
ok your t5's aren't stunting them thats far away for t5's IMO how many watts worth of t5's? no it wont stress them IMHO dropping intensity like that might be confusing them
I have not topped or fim'd. I am a paranoid parrot. I am interested in seeing my yields the first time around and then experimenting next time around. Although I have considered topping some of the younger smaller plants. I just don't want to jump the gun.
Thanks, I was worried they might not be at peak health because I read a couple other articles/posts that said the first set of leaves being green is a sign of good health.


Well-Known Member
Ok they are slowed for sure not stunted.....

Purple stalks in a room that is hitting 91 degrees at times is not a pheno trait. Its most likely a P def. Verde only has Nitrogen in it nothing else. CAlimag, and Molasses don't provide enough or well any actual macro nutes to them. Sub culture with the molasses to feed the mircobes might put off a little bit but not to much.

Verde is more meant for nitro loading just before going into flower generally, on fast tall later veg plants.

I would highly recommend a legit 2 or 3 part nute mix.

Most new growth btw should be a slighter "spring green/yellowish" ( think of the crayola crayon colors ) But still if its a fading yellowing set, its that they are slowly beginning to cannabilze themselves for the extra macro nutes they are currently not getting.

What kind of medium are they in?! For 5 and 10 gal. pots 2 gallons of water once every few days is way underwatering!!! I would water like 2-3x a week its really all they need, and allows a nice through staturation of the soil... allowing for runoff and preventing salt/nute build up pockets due to under saturation of the medium.
Well, my room has only ever hit high 80s/91 once. And that was because it was the warmest day and also the last warm day since outdoor temps have dropped. That day it was 80F outside, and 91F inside the growroom. Now the outdoor temps are about 32-45F and my grow room sits at about 76F. Do you think if I used some more of the humboldt line it would enhance growth/solve my problem? I was thinking Verde, with their Grow Natural and Grow Bloom as well as Deuce Deuce.

Most of my plants are in 5-15 gal tree pots, with a soil mix from our land (we have good soil) but I mixed in sand for drainage... So the water drains super fast. I don't drench my plants but I water them until it goes down, I can feel it's soaked at least 2 inches, then I come back later and stick my finger in it and if its dry to 2 inches I water again.
Can anyone recommend a good two part mix? For bloom? Also, I just flipped the switch, in one day of 12/12 the biggest plant grew 3 inches and the stem doubled in thickness.