first grow -- question


Active Member
hi all, im new to the site and im growing outdoors for the first time in PA. i have 2 sets of plants. the first is from bag seed from some good bud (guy said it was friuty juice but u never know) and the other is just from some bag seed they were put in the ground approximately june 1 and the second set is white russian which was put in the ground july 8 i looked up when the sunrise/sunset is exactly 12 hours apart and that isnt until september 22 and it seems like the average time to finnish budding is 60 days so the plants wouldnt be done till late november so my question is will the plants start budding before the september 22 date. if not im worried about them not finnishing before the first frost and wondered if i should put a tarp over the garden at say 7 pm every day and then uncover it when it gets dark and if that would work until the light is down or will they usually start before the actual sunrise/sunset times since it isnt direct light ill post pics when i get a chance thanks a lot


Well-Known Member
PA in the house. lol. I have a similar predicament going on, only mine grew right from the ground from bagseed. Now I've been covering mine for 12/12 starting at 9pm when the sun is completely gone and uncovering at 9. Just to ensure that the plant is getting the right hours of light and dark. Problem with planting a seed this late is that it may not fully mature before the first frost. Pictures would help to give you a better answer. Good luck


Active Member
ill try to get some pics up asap... the first batch is about 10-12 inches and grows a noticeable amount every time i go and take a peek at the garden (usually every other day) and the second set is still small 2-3 inches at this point id say


Well-Known Member
Oh. Yeah, plants will go into flowering mode a little before 12/12. They can sense the days are getting shorter before 12/12 even comes around. A lot of plants start flowering in late August, for example. That far north, though.... I'm not sure. I'm guessing you'll probably be ok, but I don't know too much about the northeast.

Edit: Those little plants, the 3 inchers, those are in danger. They're too small for this late in the season.


Well-Known Member
Solution treat it like corn, when you see the fields beginning to get plowed watch the plants closely cause farmers know when to harvest. lol. Hope that helps a little bit.


Active Member
Solution treat it like corn, when you see the fields beginning to get plowed watch the plants closely cause farmers know when to harvest. lol. Hope that helps a little bit.
haha i live in the suburbs no corn fields around me plus i would like to harvest when theyre at their peak potency, i love killer bud but who doesnt? lol thank u guys for responding so fast too btw