First grow questions


Active Member
I am going to start by germinating using the paper towel method and then planting them inside and keeping them inside for a couple weeks with 24/0 light. my question is how should i make the transfer outside? Just when they are a few inches tall or should i change my light cycles first?


Active Member
when germinating you dont even need to have lights on untill they pot out of the ground. and right when that happens put them on for 12/12 then move them when ur rdy


Active Member
Since im keeping them inside for a week first wich light cycle should i use from germinated seed to the day im puting them outside?


Well-Known Member
I start seedlings indoors on 24 hours light for the first week or so, and then go to 18/6 and do not cut the light back anymore until they go out. A good idea is to put the plants outside for a few hours a day in the sun, so they are used to it. If not it may take them a little while to get used to outside conditions.


Active Member
I decided im going to germinate straight into the soil so should i just put it in the soin and water it a bit then put light on it or no light until it sprouts?


Well-Known Member
light is not needed until they sprout above the soil, make sure you have the light as close as possible when they come up to help stop stretching. If you are using florescents than they can be a couple inches away from the plants.