First Grow Questions.


New Member
Hi all im currently building my own mini fridge grow box and plan on growing 2 smaller kush strains using the scrog method. I have quite a few questions that i was unable to answere after all my research the past couple days and i would like to know all of yalls perception on them i hope i posted in the right place please move it if im wrong.

I am planning on potting in 1 gallon smart pots with fox farm ocean forest as my soil. i have read alot about nutrients and wasnt gonna try any of it on my first grow but after talking to a few friends they kinda talked me into trying it. I looked at the fox farm soil line and researched it abit and found nothing but mixed views and nobody could give a good feeding schedule all of them posted were all way diffrent from each other. So then i got into the atami line and they all had mixed feelings about them too.
So my first question is what do you grow with and wats your schedule?
What nutes should i look into?
and last but not least its been asked a million times but whats your opinion on 1 gallon smart pots? should i try and step up to 2 gallons if space permits? could i grow from seed to harvest in the same 1 gallon smart pot?

Sorry if my post is alittle on the story side im just trying to get all my q's answered before i start growing :mrgreen:


New Member
This is what im basing my grow box off of im trying to aim for identicle.

It will be a cfl grow vegging with 6 6500k's and flowering with 6 2700k's
I will be using blumat to water as they will be in a undisclosed location i cant check and water everyday
Will be insulating in mylar

Also what would u use as fans? im looking to get as close to the video as i can....


Active Member
There is a lot of questions there. You don't need bigger pots. You can grow a plant from seed to harvest in a solo cup if that's what you want to do.


New Member
Thanks for your reply. My main question here though is what nutes should i consider, im absolutely dumbfounded on types, mixes, ingredients, and even intended effects on the plants. I have narrowed it down with soil and will go with the ffof but as far as nutes go i have no clue.


Well-Known Member
I got FFOF, nutes I'm using are Buddha Grow and Buddha Bloom. I can't speak for any other nutes, as I haven't used anything else. I slowly started about 3 weeks in every other watering.


New Member
what would i do if i was going the blumat route? would i just mix the nutes in a syringe and inject it into the soil?


Well-Known Member
I can't give advice on that, you'll have to wait for someone who has experience with that to answer.
I wouldnt advise planting in ocean forest... things like bat guano will burn your plant

get ff light warrior.. i dont buy ff products anymore.. its a bunch of hype and marketing attempts,, but if you have to have ff start with light warrior.. its low on nutrients and wont burn your plant.. then transplant to ocean forest ..

And if you need a feeding chart fox farms nutrient trio always comes with one


Well-Known Member
There's too many things to list that you could grow in. Your best bet is pick whatever you want to grow in. Then read grows that used the same and you'll get a good idea. Go simple for your first grow and be prepared to adapt. Everyone has preferences some like miracle grow and some make their own. If you chose a soil that has nutes in it don't feed your plants any for 3-4 weeks and start off diluted heavily. Start a grow thread where people can help you along the way. Btw, I didn't get nute burn from FFOF


Active Member
I have read a lot that nutes with FFOF isn't necessary. The soil already has a lot of nutes in it so you're better off just adding water. I would go for something more organic though if possible. Maybe your own mix but I didn't have the resources to make my own mix and didnt want to order the shit online so I just went with my garden shop had.


Well-Known Member
While I'm no expert (I only have 3 harvests under my belt) I have found that using coco coir mixed with perlite has been an excellent medium for a beginner for several reasons.

First, it is damn near impossible to over water using coco. That eliminates one pitfall that the majority of new growers fall into and water their soil too much. Coco coir will only hold X amount of water...anything more than that and it just runs through the medium. It holds onto that water longer than soil will too.

Second, coco coir is great for your plants roots they love the stuff! It's nice and airy so the roots can explore and get the oxygen they need.

Third, there are no nutrients in coco so the only way your plants can get nute burn, is if you feed them too much when watering.