first grow room complete pics!!!


hye this is my first grow room attempt comments please. just waiting on seeds now.

i am using 4 daylight cfls 42 watt for veg and 4 soft for flowering
i am planting two plants in a grow box 2'/2.5'/5'
the pots at 12in by 12ni by 12in
the box is painted flat white and i have an intake and exhaust( i got the exhaust and intake from a hydro store and they are kinda loud and powerful is it possible to hook up a dimmer to them?
i am using the nutes shown i can read the directions but how much do i add and when? also am using pro mix soil

here are some pics:



Well-Known Member
I think you should do some more reading. You got some down but you need to know more. Yes you can get dimmers for your fans. Nutes start on low strength work your way up. Get rid of the cfl's and get real lights hid hps/mh or just hps. Look around on this site and read as much as you can about growing before your seeds get to you. Happy growing


the reason i didnt get hps was because i figure i should grow with something easy to setup. i dont want to complicate the first grow. but i figured nutes were important. just wanted to know how much do i add


Well-Known Member
Well if you want good green and healthy plants then you hae to get complicated. They grow under cfl's but they really need hid I was using cfl's at first (this is my first grow) waiting for my ballast anDDR lighting as soon as I switched my plants took off it's a big difference. I'M just trying to help, Hope this was hrlpful


Well-Known Member
looks like you got room for another socket in between the ones there. I would add 2 more lights every bit helps. I started with shop lights then cfls added then 150 watt hps added then another 150 then a 400 then another 400 lol see where I/m going with this. what you have now will get you started and you will learn alot so good luck.


Well-Known Member
that set up is weak as fuck. You need help kid.. Also ditch the botanicare pure blend pro "bloom" that product is garbage !!!! i used to use it.

mr wrong

Well-Known Member
that set up is weak as fuck. You need help kid.. Also ditch the botanicare pure blend pro "bloom" that product is garbage !!!! i used to use it.
fair enough you think the nutes are crap, but really, shoot him down hey. your a fucking dick hole man. maybe a bit of constructive critisism would do him some good. like the others have?


are the nutes really crap? and will the affect my plant? and buds i dont think is horrible for a first time renting a place right now and moving out and buying a place within in a year so i cant really setup a a good setup. trust me when i get my own place i will be making a decent setup
i happen to like ur little set up...i would take that second fan u have and place it on the top as another exhaust fan right across from the one u already have just facing out..that should give u some good air flow..and leave the hole open where u took that fan from...your not going to get a huge yeild but u could grow some good tasty buds in there and learn a hole bunch in the mean time...on the nuits...i am currently using that biocare bloom outside at half strenth and my girl likes it alot....from what i read there are better nuits out there just depends on how much u want to spend...i would use what u have learn a bunch and smoke alittle...look around this site for info on computer cabniets..or something like that and u will see that u can grow some decent shit in a little area....good luck...LB420..