First grow room design, many questions

Hi all, long time reader, first time poster. I'm looking to build my first grow box, Budget of 850 dollars, lights will cost 400 already, I plan on hanging my bulbs for side lighting, right now I am considering 2x 400 watt cmh bulbs and 2x 400-600 watt hps bulbs around 5-12 plants. I will not be using cool tubes initially. I plan for my first grow in soil, fox farm ocean forest. So the questions I pose you wonderful people here at RUI are as follows;
Cooling? I can't afford to drop in an a/c unit at the moment, but I am considering something like the Ice Box.
How big should I build my box? I'm working with a 10x11 room, I can't use all the room.
What size pots should I use? If I do only go with 5 plants, I want to squeeze as much yield from them as possible.

Thanks guys, I plan to have this set up within the next 10 days. :-o

Also I plan to set up the lights and plants as such x=plants o=lights


Active Member
I used 15 gallon posts in a 5x5 room. Yielded 8 sips off of just two plants. It's up to you though. It is a known fact "bigger the pot, bigger the plant, bigger the yield. I have a friend that is going with 30 gallon trash cans next time.