First grow room: What kind of fluorescents should I use?


Hi, I am excited about building my first grow room! I plan on growing 4-6 girls in a 5' tall, 4'deep, 4' wide room with a 400w lighting system, supplemented by fluorescents up and down the sides. My question is, what kind of fluorescent bulbs should I get? Home Depot near me has "bright", "Daylight", and "cool white", etc., but none specifically for growing.Is there one of these that would work better than others, or is there a combo I should be using for grow/flowering? Any advice and notes from experience would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
use the bulbs for the veg stage that say 6500K and the highest watt you can find. for flowering look for 3000k, check out the section with the neon signs, not where the have all the bulbs, aisle 3?