Hey Bro - Lovevibez from Reddit. When I first started my journal I did it on Grasscity / 420magazine / and here at Rollitup. No feedback made me stop, maybe I have a reason to be active over here now.

Subbed Bro. Looking great - SpedRead through, everything looks great! I facking love the stacking of the tubs. Didn't think of that. Do you know how much growth room you have from bottom to light surface. My Flower Tub #2 has 19 inches and Flower Tub #1 has 17 inches. So roughly 12 inches max growth vertically. Easy to work with, now that I have a very good grip on how to LST in many ways, as well as defoliate/trim/bonsai.
You were worried about growth being slow - You seem to be going just fine with your conditions. Remember you have CFLS and your in soil. Things can be slow. First 4 weeks are a drag in CFL/Soil/Seed. You can begin to LST anytime the earlier the better as the stem grows stronger and thicker as time progresses. So if you begin to bend it early, you can bend it to do cool things. I plan on doing some very creative things in the future. Glad you are using the same techniques/pipe cleaners.

Great job so far! I'm curious to see how well your autoflower does on 20/4. I currently have 3 +SPEED from sweetseeds that market from seed to finish in 7 weeks. I have my Veg Cab on 20/4 as well

Anyways happy growing!