First grow, saying hello.


Hello all.

Just wanting to introduce myself. I have been reading various information to assist me with my first serious grow. Thanks for such a great site where I have access to this information. I have grown from seed once before, but it was only in my kitchen window. They were doing quite well until I had to go out of town for 3 months and my old room mates didn't water them.

I am currently just shy of the first week of my 12/12 grow cycle. I am growing from seed, using soil, with a 430 hps light. I have committed a guest bed room in my home to growing. Standard 10x10 room that I painted all white. My seeds right now are just crappy ones, and once I become more knowledgeable plan on investing in better quality.
I do plan at some point to get into cloning. I have just noticed some small fruit flies in the last few days. I found some great ideas and information to get rid of them.

Anycrap, thanks in advance to anyone answering any future questions I might have.
I will try to post pictures soon.


;-) Eve wasn't evil, she just had the munchies.



Also, I have started some fresh herbs under my light. I currently have basil, cilantro, chives and oregano. I used the light to get them to come up out of the soil, and now they are enjoying time in my kitchen window. I can't wait to be able to eat them!
Welcome, this site is great isn't it? I love checking out all the pics of flowers and it has been a priceless source of info...


Just a little update. I've been able to sex all my plants so far and all 4 are female. The 3 biggest ones in the previous pics i posted have started to bud. Any advice at this point? I water with nutes about 2x a week. I'm just using a basic nute for tomatoes. my light is always 18-20 inches from the top of the plants.


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're doing fine. Right on for the females. Try lurking some threads on the particular subject you looking for advice. Lurking some of uncle bens threads would be a good start.


Here are some more updated pictures of my progress. I am still very much learning and have some problems with my leaves turning yellow. One of my plants has a lot of seeds in the buds. But overall I'm proud of my first grow given the seeds I used. I'm almost into my 5th week of flowering. DSCF2252.jpgDSCF2251.jpgDSCF2253.jpgDSCF2250.jpgDSCF2249.jpg