UPDATE! Day 32 of Flowering, Day 92 total..
So today I have noticed much more "burn" looking spots and edges on several of the leaves on plants that weren't burnt initially...initially when I fed the first Bloombastic feeding, I also gave tiger bloom and my ppm was like 1300ppm. I think I burnt a couple of them, so I backed off and dropped the Tiger Bloom completely...
Now following the Week 5 of Fox Farm's Feed Schedule, this week I gave them a feeding on Sunday, a watering on Tuesday, and another feeding today....the feed I gave them sunday and today is the following per gallon of RO water:
5 mL Cal-Mag+
5 mL Silica
15 mL Fox Farm's Big Bloom (micro)
10 mL Hygrozyme
2 mL Bloombastic (recommended dosage until next week, week 6 goes to 4 mL)
550ppm / 6.4 pH
The problem is... is that they now seemed to be developing deficiencies from UNDER FEEDING. I have seen more "burn" looking crispy black spotted leaves at the tops of the buds on the large fan leaves, and the small bud leaves have yellow tips like nitrogen or cal-mag deficiency. I think they are underfed.. I raised my lights and its not hot to my hand at the canopy, so I doubt its heat stress, especially for it just to show up now, and never before....but I think its probably deficiencies from UNDER FEEDING THEM. 550 ppm the last two feedings is SUPER LOW...but since I cut out Tiger Bloom there isn't anything else to give...Big Bloom, the silica, the cal-mag, the hygrozme, and then the Bloombastic...and it only comes out to 550 ppm, 1.1 EC. Thats ridiculously low isn't it?
Am I starving them? Did I create these problems by under feeding now?
Should I just double up on the Bloombastic next feeding in two days go ahead and give the 4mL of Bloombastic now to help compensate? Or I thought maybe I should start giving small doses of Tiger Bloom with the plain water to help supplement food. Thoughts?
I'm confused...because it looks like some more burn, but it is now coming in on plants that weren't burnt initially, and I HIGHLY doubt a 550ppm feed solution should burn them again...WTF??