first grow seedling dieing


this is my first grow i started the whole process one week ago i am using miracle grow potting soil i have 2 45 cfls on each of my seedlings the temp is 75 degrees and humidity is 60 percent one of my seedlings looks good to me the other is much smaller and leaves are shriveling i am not sure what the problem may be i need help and fast


def looks like it is dying man, and also it might be a little pricer but i would choose ne thing but miracle grow. ive heard alotta bad things about it, jus let the little girl do her thing over the next few days she may spring with life. second one is looking hella good. what strain?


Well-Known Member
Could be your soil, you need a good soil that drains good like Roots organic 707 Fox farm, Orinoco but that you have to add perlite or rocks so it drains. The nutrients in it could be killing the plant. I would get more lights two you definitely need way more light for flowering. Soil more light and start over. But you can try getting different soil and transplant and get more lights and see if it helps. Good luck


well thanks for the advice from both of you i am only using miracle grow because thats what i had laying around the house and just decided last minute to do this so i didnt know it was a ad idea at the time as far as strain it is just bag seeds that i did even smoke so i could tell you anything about it


i moved my fan where it can get better wind and backed the lights up a little i am going to give it a few days and see what happens i hope it lives i would really like them both to grow to improve my chances of getting a female


Well-Known Member
It's not that bad I've grown in mg I added little rocks and mixed it so it would be airy. The plants grew great I just harvested them with soil like that you have to add little bit of stuff to it like moss petite shit like that. But I would try to get more lights . They might be fine just wait it out water once every 4 or 5 days and pick the pot up so you know what it feels like watered. You won't need nutrients for four to six weeks using mg it has enough to last until then. When you add nutrients water then nutes in that rotation every week unless your plants show signs of needing them. Only use 1/4 strength and gradually go up to recommended dose on your feeding chart. Here's some pointers you need to know in the beginning Hope it helps. Good luck


Active Member
Their just seedlings, the seedling stage is the slowest of them all, your plan has to develop roots below before you will start to see leaves grow, be patient she will be sprouting leaves properly in a wee or two. Just make sure you dont give any extra nutes right now


thanks for the advice i am staying away from all nutes till i see that they need them i can see some small leaves forming on both of my plants even the runt so that is a real good sign