First grow, seedlings in soil, started in final pots


Active Member
Hey all! Might be a simple question but I'm at a loss and want to double check.

Just started my first grow finally and decided to start them off in their final pots. Doing a Happy Frog run amended with Nature's Living Soil autoflower mix with a cup sized hole filled with just happy frog for the seedling.

So I followed directions of Mr. Canucks Grow and BeginnerBudz and placed my seeds directly in soil to start, misted the top and turned on the light. Light is an sf-2000 almost 40 inches away from seedlings at the moment.

The videos I watched showed all of them mist or very lightly water the seed, then immediately the next shot is seedlings bursting through. How often should I be misting the soil? I've been misting lightly every 4-6 hours just to keep the top layer slightly moist but I'm worried the water isn't going very deep. How moist should I be keeping it? 2 inches of soil deep moist? Or continue to simply mist the top until they pop?


Well-Known Member
You dont need to moistvit every 4-6 hozrs unlessbif you but very little amount of water Maybe one spray which makes no sense. When I planted the germenated seed I mist the top about 6-7 sprays only omce a day and it popped 3 days later


Active Member
Right but I haven't germinated the seeds yet, I started them in soil. Once a day makes sense but I'm still not sure on the amount of water. Should I just water a little bit when the top looks dry?


Well-Known Member
If these are not autos why did you start them in the final container? You get far better growth using graduated containers. Dixie cup—> 1.5 litre—> to final container. At least. Try a side by side comparison to prove it to yourself.


Active Member
Depending on how successful I am here I'll definitely try that next time. Cool then, I think I'm just overthinking it. I'm certainly no where near overwatering as I'm just misting the top every 6 hours so I'll watch it just for moisture. Thanks!