First Grow set up.


so obviously this is my first grow. ive been doing alot of research and have came to a conclusion that ill be using CFL's but what ive yet to decided is what my setup going to be like. so ive been looking around and seen many set ups i wouldn't of ever thought of which i thought was amazing.

so i have a couple of options id like to share with you guys,

as my first option i thought of just going to my local hardware store and picking up and couple of plywood sheets and just making a simple cheap 3x3x3.5(LxWxH) box.

using this fishtankDSCN0381.jpg (2x1x1.5)ft i know it is pretty small compared to the plywood but i found this laying around the house and thought id clean it up and take pictures of it.

i have 1 blue mystic waiting to be set up shes about a couple days old. i think shes doing okay under 1 cfl light but i just want a approval on these setup. i would love for the fish tank to be the perfect setup.

and here she is


nothing to special i just have her in some poting soil for now. i dont plan on keeping her in that tiny sauce cup long.


Well-Known Member
your box idea would be a better idea than a fishtank....might want to make the box a little higher too. depending on what your future plans are, plants can very easily and grow very fast and tall. would suck for your box to be too small towards the end of your grow. i have a 5 foot tall space im using and im out of room already...been like 3 months


sorry i wasnt to clear with my thread. im not an expert but apparently sativa are shorter plants? and since i have an auto blue mystic i dont think it will grow into a 5 footer.i plan on doing 12/12 on lights.

as of future plans i dont count on having a bigger crop or anything dramatic. my grow is just for personal use. at max id probably be having 2 plants MAYBE 3.


Well-Known Member
Sativas are taller.indicas are say get a 150 or 70 w hps from home depot for 30-50 bux.your yield will significantly could get a 400w for that space.or a shit ton of cfl


wow i totally made a mistake. ive had it mixed up this whole time. i apparently have a predominantly indica
so ive made a mistake :/ would my grow setpup still be okay? or should i just goahead and just make the box. i feel like the box is the best but i guess id like to stay in small budget since this is personal use.


Well-Known Member
Dont run 12/12 with a auto! They need more light id do a 18/6 or a 20/4 light schedule. And a auto shouldnt grow more then a few feet tall.


Dont run 12/12 with a auto! They need more light id do a 18/6 or a 20/4 light schedule. And a auto shouldnt grow more then a few feet tall.
O.O really somone told me to go ahead and do 12/12 would it mess up my baby if i changed the schedule at this point?


btw i decided to go ahead and make my fishtank a setup. i know it mayeb stupid but id like to go ahead and save the money from the plywood but if it eveer did come to my plants growing bigger id probably just extend the top or add on to it. ill be updating with picture hopefully daily if possible.


Well-Known Member
Id try and get bigger holes like 4-5 1/4" holes in the bottom if you can. Cannabis is a dry plant you dont want to drown it. it will be ok to switch to 18/6 its wont harm your plant. I just started a batch of autos in my unused veg tent space thats why Im starting to like autos.


Id try and get bigger holes like 4-5 1/4" holes in the bottom if you can. Cannabis is a dry plant you dont want to drown it. it will be ok to switch to 18/6 its wont harm your plant. I just started a batch of autos in my unused veg tent space thats why Im starting to like autos.
thanks mobbin i was kinda scared that i might of ruined my plants. so i got my little veg set up going now its not DONE. so heres a picture of it.DSCN0396.jpgDSCN0397.jpgDSCN0398.jpg

its not much but i think its going okay. i want to get a long cord multi sockets instead of this square one i found lying around. the problem is its in fish tank. how could i mount it on one of the window glass? if i ever got a long one.