First grow since 2013 And it's great to be back!


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

So this will be my 1st grow since 2013 it's been that dang long geesh. Well I have 3 females 3white widow Max's and 2 holland hope I hope I get some females out of the wwm and hh. The pictures are from today which is day 17 fir them. I'm only using URB and Liquid seaweed and the plants love it. An all organic grow I'll mix my super soil for flower. I'll keep this page updated and all comments are welcomed.



Well-Known Member
Update: Today was transplant day into some one gallon pots they were just out growing the Dixie cups. Here are some pics let me know your thoughts... Mind you this is completely organic grow I've only used URB and liquid seaweed.

