first grow, small closet 3 plantsplants


Well-Known Member
there are 2 6500k at 1500 lumens in the reflectors, a 2700k at 3800 lumens, and 2 5000k at 1300 lumens.


Well-Known Member
looking happy and healthy bud, just rememeber to go easy on the water as at this stage it is easy to over water. and no nutes for the first 2-2.5 weeks. GOOD LUCK !!!


They look around 7-8in? if you flowered now it would be a smaller yield but if space is an issue the earlier you’d flower the easier it’ll be to manage height. yield also depends on if you’re using nutes and also what sort of lighting you’re using in flowering too. a lot of variables to consider


Well-Known Member
No clue the strain, was hoping someone might know. I used a mix of potting soil, basic idk the brand, from walmart, and both mg organic and mg moisture control. No added nutes beside acouple nitrogen spikes. I'll post pics. A few leaves are droopy, especially in the one. They were root bound I believe so I put them in larger pots. They're not overwatered. The temps get low still at night, they probably see a couple chilly 40 degree winds but I do have a temperature regulated heater to keep the

