First Grow…So Don’t Harsh my Stoke


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lookin gewd!
Thanks for checkin it out! :hug:

I can't find any clones I want right now, so I'm staying busy beta testing my setup and converting a desk into a veg/clone box via panda film and velcro. My goal there is to have clones and one or more moms on 24 hour veg so I have more ready to flower when others finish, and to give myself some outdoor girls to fill out my legal limit. I also built a water collection tray that sits at a slant so all water collects on one end. I still need to cut a hole in that end and put a piece of hose there and caulking around where it fits. Whenever I water I'll just put a bucket under the hose (everything sits on a cabinet) so all the runoff goes in there. Gonna post photos after I finish that. I'm kinda mad that I have my closet all set up and I don't have anything in it. Feels kinda like humping air :hump:...okay I kinda just wanted to use that avatar.



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Just got em all settled into their new about a third of the time it took me to do my first batch lol. These are Super Silver Haze. They were cut a while ago and have been sitting very far from the light for a long time (stretchy). My friend had to get rid of them. They had algae all over the rockwool and I found bugs in one of the cubes, though he hasn't found the bug in any of the remaining ones since I told him, and I only found them in one...strange. The only bug they look remotely similar to is a beneficial bug listed in the Sun Supply catalog that everyone picks up at their grow store for free. I took a photo of one of the fuckers crawlin up the stalk. They don't look to have done any damage to the roots or foliage so we'll see if that plant will stay or get thrown outside. I scraped all I could of the algae off and threw em in one gallonish pots where I hope they won't stay too long cause I wanna hurry up and put em in 3 gallon pots and turn on the HPS. I don't think I'm gonna get a MH bulb for veg cause I'm eventually going to only flower under that hood at all times, and veg in the desk/vegbox that I still havn't started yet. Time to spark one and chill.



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Why the fuck do I have to log in every five fucking minutes. I literally tried to post no more than 30 minutes after I logged in and the stupid fuckin thing erased my message. Fuck this


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I got root aphids :cry:

Spent about 6 hours identifying and researching. Here's an excellent thread about them:

I'm gonna use the Bayer tree and shrub I think. The active ingredient is Imidacloprid, a non-organic systemic. Not what I'd like to use, but Imidacloprid looks to be the best method and that stuff has the lowest concentration, and thus the lowest toxicity. And its cheap, 20 bucks. The other options I don't know much about. Has anyone used a bifenthrin, like "Wisdom," or a product called Scorpian Juice for this or other problems?

This post was originally much more informative but the stupid server couldn't remember that I logged in twenty minutes ago so it erased the original.

But if you're wondering about ROOT aphids definitely check the link. It will blow your mind how thorough some of these geniuises are. Although Scay ended up losing his battle, his struggle brought to light some outstanding insights on how to deal with these pesky fuckers.

I spent way too long on this.



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Root Aphids
I used Green Light Tree and Shrub. It's the same thing as the more popular and expensive Bayer Tree and Shrub. They both have 1.47 imidacloprid. Of course it's too early to tell if I got em for good, but nothig's crawling around in there now. I used the solution at one teaspoon per gallon. This was less than the label instructed, but it was what many have claimed works just fine. I mixed up one gallon and put most of it on last night, slowly, with most of it where the small root masses are, trying not to let too much runoff come out. I just poured the remainder of the gallon on. Theses critters like it warm and dry, so I've been keeping em cool and wet.

In a couple weeks I'll hit them with another gallon and then an enzyme like hygrozyme or cannazyme. They eat by first spitting at the roots to disolve them, then they eat the dead root tissue. So using an enzyme to break down dead tissue should starve them. Then a week later I'll stick a piece of metal pipe in the soil all the way to the bottom, pour soapwater on the soil there, and see if anything comes to the surface. If it does, I'll clone these plants and move them to another location while I sanitize and bug bomb.

Outdoor Green Crack
The one on the roof is doing much better so I took some photos and transplanted. She is showing her first signs of flowers I think. She is the big one from my first grow that I botched. She had been looking VERY bad and I'm surpised and pleased to see that she has recovered this well. She is well over two feet now and is getting some bigger sized fan leaves again despite the heat up there, which is unbearable for me sometimes. Houses just emit a lot of heat on top. Does anyone know what that little green bug is? I found two chillin on the fattest stems near top/middle. And I found a little bit of what I think is spider mite webbing and a hole in a leaf right near that but I'm not worried because it is way too hot for them for sure. I'll probably hit them with some neem soon though because they're due for it. The spider mites won't chill there in the heat too long I don't think.

New setups (kinda new)
I've had my closet done for a little while but havn't posted photos yet so here they are. I hooked up the new hood, 400 watt digital ballast, intake and exhaust with 175 cfm fan, panda film with tarp zipper door, and it's all setup so it can be completely enclosed with the closet door shut and still running with decent temps and good humidity. I also got a 9500 btu portable AC. This was an all around good investment. I get hot when I sleep.

Today I moved my vegetative growth area to the underside of my desk. I'm kinda excited about it. All it took was three strips of panda film and some velcro and my desk is still very usable. I'm using it now. Later on I'll probably enclose one of the shelves to keep it humid for clones. I don't know what I'll do with the other, maybe keep supplies there for now. I'm stoked about this because I can eventually have a small mom or two in the big area, clones on the shelf, and flowers in the closet. My very own tiny perpetual harvest. Semi-perpetual. And all contained within my bedroom in a way that doesn't make life inconvenient.

This is what I dreamed of, and I'm starting to make it happen. When I was younger I didn't daydream about running a giant, cartel type grow op but I definitely did dream of setups just like this one, only with cleaner, more professional construction...custom boxes, not a desk and half a closet. But hey, I gotta start somewhere.

Okay sorry for the novel. Thanks if you actually read it all. Any questions, comments, or advice is welcome.




Active Member
These are from two different dates, two days apart. There are three close up pictures that show one leaf of relatively new shoots growing in a spiral pattern. I think the first leaf continues to do this until it gets kinda big. Fairly sure it's not heat.

They are showing improvement. I tied them down in an attempt to get them to bush out, and it worked a bit. I'm taking them off because I want them to move around with the oscillating fan so the stalks get thicker.

Hit em with their first round of foxfarm grow big and big bloom today, and a good showering in neem was in order too. I've found a couple gnats around and seen a bit of leaf damage.

I have been digging around for the root aphids with a magnifying glass and havn't seen anything and the growth is looking strong. I'm keeping a watchful eye out for them though. I know they're sneaky fuckers. The soil stayed wet with the imid water for a long time which is good because it means the roots had time to take up most of it. When I dig around all the roots that had looked strange now look strong and bright white so I'm staying hopeful.

Fed the outdoor GC and filled in the missing dirt (lol). She got a full dose of all the foxfarm bloom nutes. More hairs showing.




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I had put some gigabud seeds in a paper towel almost a week ago and kinda forgot oops. I checked last night and only one had really cracked well. Way too well. It had a taproot about 8 inches long and a ton of roots coming out of that. So many I couldn't safely detach all of them from the paper towel. The soft stem had started to peek up out of the towel and bowl and the first two little leaves were opening. I know it's not likely to root in my FF light warrior now but I tried anyway. Red cup, poked holes for drainage, dug out bigger area for roots, filled it in, held up soft stem with paper clip cause it's real long, put outside sensor of thermometer in cup, put glass cup over the top for humidity, put it pretty far from the light. Checked it this morning and it looks greener. See photos.

I don't know how a plant's supposed to look in the middle of week three of flower, but I'm excited about the shape and look of the GC strain on my roof. There's a lot of white hairs and a few orange ones too. See photos

Root Aphids
One treatment of bayer tree and shurb I think has not killed mine. I seem to just be treading water, keeping them down for a while. I havn't been able to find them in the foxfarm/rockwool, but I've had what I thought was gnat flies. I waited to see, and then I had that sooty mold that grows on the honeydew aphids leave on leaves. I have a lot of ants that I just can't control here so I thought maybe they were regular aphids that the ants were farming for the honeydew. But one that I caught has that striped look I see in bobyouruncle's photos. But those fuckers won't land on my pest strips, or even stick to them when I hit em in the air. They look too big to have evolved from the little root aphids I saw lumbering up a young stalk. Only these other flies that look more like fungus gnats land on the pest strips (that were designed for aphids and whiteflies). So maybe I have those too. But I definitely have some kind of aphid because the damage is just like every other picture I see and every account I read. After doing about six hours of online research in everything from scholarly journals to blogs like this one, and reading every post in the root aphid thread on icmag, I'm still up shit creek(I don't wanna call universities and labs just yet. I'm not exactly supplying dispensaries here). The problem is worsening exponetially. The mold seems to spread even faster than the bugs eat (I can see thier honeydew BTW but not very many of the bugs, only two last night, maybe one. And the leaves curl in the familiar pattern. Don't think the mold can be from humidity, as I keep it perfect nearly always). I thought about treating again with the bayer (mine's actually greenlight tree and shrub, same 1.47% imid) but then I remembered the post that said only treat once. And the label says not to treat a shrub more than once a year. I did, however use a smaller dose then recommended (one teaspoon per gallon), but I'm also in one gallon pots right now, well not me, my plants are, haha okay i'm a bit overmedicated.

My bottle of neem says not to spray more then once every two weeks. Almost every post I read online says to treat every 3-4 days. WTF? I just sprayed again. I think it's been around 5 days. I'm definitely not bombing and I don't wanna use more bayer. According to everything I've read, more bayer is the only other option now. I don't wanna do the OSH lawn and garden insect killer route. Should I try more bayer? I just fed them more nutes for now, and I'm keeping them cold cause aphids don't like that. Is anyone here also experiencing the honeydew and mold? Has anyone tried Zero Tolerance by Ed Rosenthal, sold in hydro shops? I've heard it can work if you use it regularly. Just tried it on one a couple nights ago and there's not more damage or mold on it today. They are definitely still growing well. They keep jumping into the lights and I found a bunch of root tips coming out the bottom of the pots today. But leaves look even worse now then they do in the photos





Active Member
I recently left for a week and was scared but everything turned out okay. I built a cloner, topped and made clones, trasplanted just today, moved two to my outside spot, and double checked the darkness of my tent. Tomorrow night I will turn off the lights for the first 12 hours. I'm stoked. Check the pictures of the outdoor Green Crack. It's at 33 days of a 45-55 day flower. I'm gonna let em get heavy. Dude the stalk is thicker than three fingers I don't know how to cut it down lol.

One picture shows how three of my indoor SSH's were badly wilted from three days of neglect. The top I put on the clone aquarium at first was reflecting a lot of light and all of them fell over the first night. Then I put seran wrap and they're doing okay, but slow to show roots. The two seedlings are non feminized gigabud. I'm hoping one is male because I wanna crossbreed it with SSH and get a even bigger producing version of SSH that would be sweet. The seeds busted at drastically different paces, some only after weeks, and some still havn't cracked completely. The clones are the tops of the SSH plants that I got as clones. I started with 8 and one died. Got my HPS turned on now to check heat again.

Feels like things are rollin at a steady pace. Time to roll one up now.




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Outdoor GC
So I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to pick these buds at 60 or even 65 days. It's supposed to be a 45 to 55 day flower inside, and 60 outside. A lot of the hairs are still white and it just doesn't look as developed as pictures I see at this stage. Just started with the Gravity so I'm hoping that will help with the size. They are very sticky and stinky and nice looking, just small.

Outdoor SSH
I moved 2 outside a few days ago because I just felt 6 would be too crowded for my indoor space and I want to see how much more they'll produce out there then under a 400 watt light. I didn't realize how quick they would dry out in only 3 gallons of soil cause the other is in about 9 gallons of soil. They got some heat stress and shock from the change. They were used to nothing hotter than 78 mostly, but a little water brought them back. They need nutes.

The cloned tops of the SSH plants are finally showing roots after more than two weeks. I wasn't doing it right, giving them too much air and not enough heat on the mat. But now 3 of the 7 have roots showing after doing it right for one day lol.

That should be plural (seedlingS) but somehow I snapped the stalk of the better looking younger one. It looks like it was just cut in half with a little string hanging to keep it alive but sad, oh well. The other looks well.

Indoor SSH
No photos now. They're in their 3rd night of darkness. I don't know how my vertical space is gonna work but I'm crossing my fingers. Now I know what they mean by the "early flower stretch" fuckers are growing almost an inch a day. They were in shock from the light change for all of one day. I accidently left the closet half closed all day and it got up over 88 for a while. Shit. The night cycle was a bit warm but I fixed that now I think.

Another boring novel lol can't sleep.




Active Member
Well I did start the journal mostly to keep track of my own grow and to have a way of illustrating problems and questions for experienced growers who I go to for help (don't carry my computer everywhere).

But I expected a FEW views, maybe a question or comment here and there. Talkin to a wall here lol :wall:


so i just started growing for the first time i have one baby thats around five weeks
i had to kill off two of them due to pest but salvaged one im learning day by day and will have
pics up soon got two more babbies just stretching for the light
im currently growing in my closet not to down on all the good tricks and trades so any input would be awsome
Hey everyone. Nice grow journal you got going I wish you luck with the plants. I might be able to help you guys with the bug and mold issues...i am new to growing too but I had similar issues and have found a nice product you can get at your local walmart for 7 dollars.

its a schultz product called

Garden Safe -Fungicide3
-It is safe for all stages of fruits...
-Controls Black Spot, rust and powdery mildew
-Controls Aphids, whiteflies, and other insects
-Controls spider mites

this stuff is BY FAR the best product I have found that is not 100 dollars combined with 5 different things for each problem...

Good luck!:-P


Active Member
so i just started growing for the first time i have one baby thats around five weeks
i had to kill off two of them due to pest but salvaged one im learning day by day and will have
pics up soon got two more babbies just stretching for the light
im currently growing in my closet not to down on all the good tricks and trades so any input would be awsome
Welcome and thanks for stopping by my journal. Did you have any questions or comments? You should start a journal asap so you and everyone else can follow. I'd like to know what lighting you're using? lighting schedule? nutes? Are you planning to flower outside or inside? What bug? What are you using to stop it?

Hey everyone. Nice grow journal you got going I wish you luck with the plants. I might be able to help you guys with the bug and mold issues...i am new to growing too but I had similar issues and have found a nice product you can get at your local walmart for 7 dollars.

its a schultz product called

Garden Safe -Fungicide3
-It is safe for all stages of fruits...
-Controls Black Spot, rust and powdery mildew
-Controls Aphids, whiteflies, and other insects
-Controls spider mites

this stuff is BY FAR the best product I have found that is not 100 dollars combined with 5 different things for each problem...

Good luck!:-P
Great find! How'd you come upon it? Was it recommended by a grower or book or somethin? How is it applied? Is it a systemic? organic? What else have you tried?

I dunno how much you read, but I've been using something called Bayer Tree and Shrub. It's a consumer version of the only pesticide available in my state that lists root aphids on the label. It kills everything else that attacks pot plants, too. It's what all the wineries use. It's a systemic that stays in the plant for 90 days (eee), but it's also in nearly every vegtable and every cigarette you've ever consumed. You're not supposed to use it less than 90 days before harvest but over 70% of growers do. And I've spoken with many pot growers who use it as late as a few weeks before harvest. The ingredient is called imidacloprid and it works amazingly.

I use a product called serenade for everything that's not a bug, mold, mildew etc. It comes in a spray bottle but don't DARE use it without watering it down A LOT, like at least three parts water for every one part serenade. And neem of course. The combination of those three has kept me happy for a while now. But I'm interested in anything that works that is not a systemic, so thanks for the hint.

Everyone? lol You're the first two to post on my journal in like a month lol.



hey man im sorry new to the sight but i had fruit flies were eating them but there gone now annd im using six cfl 3 blue specs and 3 red specs


Active Member
hey man im sorry new to the sight but i had fruit flies were eating them but there gone now annd im using six cfl 3 blue specs and 3 red specs
Careful, aphids kinda look like fruit flies. Just keep an eye on em and find something you can spray regularly.