First grow soil.nute question


Active Member
so i'm planning on using the full foxfarm line of nutrients for my first grow. big grow, tiger bloom, big bloom, open sesame, beastie bloom, and cha ching. is this all i need for nutrients? also, just regular old potting soil, or some sorta nutrientless soil? or pre-nuted soil? thanks :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
you can kill your plants very easily.if you use prenuted soil be very careful when you will begin to use the label of the nutes and follow the instructions.


Active Member
well i have seemorebuds' book and it doesn't go into nutrients at all on the grounds that he used miracle gro 3 month feeding soil. after consideration i'd rather not use that stuff, just plain ol soil and some easy and effective nutes. fox farms sounded like it covered everything the plant could need. what are a couple options of 'an easier system' as mentioned by cali? foxfarm is just generally reccomended all over the site.


Well-Known Member
fox farms is real good but its real hot too....
Can you please explain what "real hot" means?

I only ask cuz i just got my fox farm nutes and i was planning on just feeding them by the schedule that comes with the nute package. Thats what i am suppose to do right?


Well-Known Member
i'd like to know as well, because i just got my package of Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom and Grow Big. i think i read here somewhere that it's recommended to use 1/2 of what FoxFarms recommends. Can anyone shed some light?


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
Soil will have x amount of nutes in it already...your plants will use x amount of nutes. X is a variable and you should be able to tell by your plant's health and determine x. Usually any soil, including fox farms, will be good up to a month or so providing fuel for your little buddies. That being said...if your plant gets huge then you might have to start nutes early, if it is small then you will probably burn it with nute...(hot means that you can more easily burn the plant with over-nuting, I would think...). If it is your first time growing concentrate more on the environment, especially the lighting. You can put the seed in the soil, give it plenty of light, DO NOT LOVE IT TOO MUCH, no overwatering! Did I mention plenty of light? So, after you plant it and it sprouts it will probably get 6 inches tall and have 3 or 4 nodes before you add any type of nutes to the soil...
Damn I have been drinking and I don't want to continue..I will come back and help out more but I hope I have answered some questions.


Well-Known Member
I use Ocean Forrest soil mixed three parts to one part with perlite. I don't fertilize for the first three weeks after germination, except I use 2 tbs of Big Bloom (per gallon) with each watering (I guess that is fertilizing, but I consider it to be more "conditioning".

At three weeks I use Open Sesame (1/2 tsp) with 1 tbs of Big Bloom: every other watering for three weeks. For the odd waterings: 2 tbs of Big Bloom as above. For the next two weeks (again every other watering) I use Big Bloomz mixed as I did with the Open Sesame (1/2 tsp, 1 tbs Big Bloom). Then, until a couple weeks before harvesting usually four (when I'll only water with ph adjusted plain water for the last weeks), I use Cha Ching--again every other watering, mixed as above.

All of which is pretty much exactly what Fox Farms recommends.

I adjust the ph of the water to 6.0-6.5.

Outstanding results.

2 X 26 watt 6500K for each plant during veg; 400 watt HPS for flower.

I'm going to try re-using my soil next time.