Smiley, okay gotcha now. Total crop time is dramatically reduced that way, yes, but if a grower veg's somewhere else on a 3-4 weeks sched. Than just transfers newly vegged clones into the flowering chamber every 8 weeks on the dot, it'd be the same deal minus the week equalling more bud in less space due to the veg time, using less plants. Lol but this is commercial growing we are talking and everything goes. I'd like to think I'm somewhere in the middle.
Thanks Bonk Kong Man! I'm gonna check you out after this. I have 32 x 3" plants. I'm hoping for 3-4 pounds but have accepted I may get less due to having that really high heat for alot of the growth. Although, the density on those buds is shocking, they are like 3 inch wide rocks. Really, really sticky rocks lol. I will have a wet weight report in about a week or so. For now it's just 3-4 more flushes, next with molasses then the rest pure water until harvest time. Did I mention that I lowered the temps at night dramatically (57-5

with my portable a/c unit? It's turning alot of the leaves purple. Hopefully the buds take on a bit of purple hue hehe Well that's all for now I'll throw some pics up soon, try to get some good ones up
ciao fo now ~ BCbuddy