First Grow. Stem is really thin and flimsy!!!


New Member
First grow.
First plant.
only plant.

its almost a week old
and it looks just really puny
in the stem stalk whatever its
called lol.

but its starting to get taller and taller(3inchs) and its still got the thickness
of a thin maybe Headphone wire?
just wondering?
help or advice please?


Well-Known Member
The light needs to be 250w CFL 5 inches of the top of seedling
125w CFL 3 inches of the top of the seedling this will make the plant change from growing up searching for light to photosynthesise now it has the light it will grow out quick by end of the week should have grown maybe 4 cm in height but 3 times in width and stem diameter continue to keep seedling in smallish container this also stops height and concentrates on bush when they are 12cm tall about 30cm wide stem diameter 12mm put them in their 5 gallon container as there final resting place from this point on they will grow up rapidly at the same time filling out


Well-Known Member
and keep them on 24/0 for 2 weeks then bring down to 20/4 for a week finally onto 18/6 for the last 2 weeks before 12/12 bud cycle


Well-Known Member
There is no evidence to support wind increasing stem diameter like an urban myth yes they need air circulation in nature only the strongest seeds survive the windy places but a lot don’t your stem is so week at the moment that wind would only add to the problem follow my advice and you will be happy wind at this stage could be harmful to the seedling


New Member
Light is too High Thanks guys and i have a pussy ass lighting system now but im cutting corners and just making it get up a little until last frost outside


Post a pix if you can w/ a size reference. Also, what breed is it?
I've had some look like what you described and it's just the way that breed grows. I have a Sativa breed right now that is about 30" tall and the stems half way up are about 1/8", and the top fourth are about 1/16". I'm surprised it can support itself. Also, all the males I've grown have been a bit thinner and taller than the same breed female.
Like motoracer said, correct light height will control growth. When light on the stem is weak it allows the stem to grow, enough light on the stem stops growth. That's why a plant leans to the light or follows the sun, the light side isn't growing and the dark side is. If not enough light all around then it grows all around at full speed which is straight up.
A fan or manual movement will toughen up a plants stem so it will be strong enough to support height later, and more importantly support buds which will grow weight faster than the plant can grow stronger to support it. So strengthen your plant now before it buds or you'll need to use sticks/string later. In nature the breeze is enough, so try to simulate. Even a little boxer fan from a computer, old power supply or elect device can be used.


Well-Known Member
1. There are 90w Philips 5700k bulbs that fit in house hold lamps they cost 3:00gbp 4 of them 360watts of cfl for12 quid and you can arrange them giving better light coverage than one 400w cfl and you will veg out for the summer garden plant i am doing mates as well going half’s on crop’s i sort it they provide space . and the bulbs actual wattage consuming is 11 watts but 90 watts of light so saving you money as well new product they do 2700k for budding to lol


Well-Known Member
Although what you say is true about strains and growth rates but same approach works giving same results with all breads just on a bigger or smaller scale