First Grow, Super Excited


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We added 4 more little cfl's to the setup. The 3rd leaf sets are on their way. I'll show pics of the new lights when I get back.


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so I checked on them today after adding the lights, and the difference in one day is incredible! Each plant (minus one) had tremendous leaf growth in size and numbers. They probably each grew 2-3 new leaf sets in various sizes.

One of my Kali plants, however, got held back a grade it seems. It was stretching awkwardly for light, so we twistie tied it straight. Could this be why it's falling a little behind?


Active Member
So now 11 days after tvhe lights have been turned on, each plant is looking absolutely incredible-even the stunted kali plant. Roots everywhere, leaves everywhere-and the super lemon haze is omitting a small, sexy odor already! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Cool Love Any pixel updates? Once u get the CFL veg down its actually very simple and proper but more meant to be used in a stealth setting i guess meaning they are capable of vegging short bushy plants pretty fast especially in a DWC set-up.
Typically ill leave my Cfl about 3-4 inches away until i get the first set of true leaves then each day ill move them an inch closer to the plants until i reach my 1 inch from tops of plants margin... Long as u have a fan in the room and stay on top of them even the stretchies will be fine. But alot easier to do it correct from the start but all in all they look good..
I keep my water about a half inch above the bottom of the pots to start until i get roots in the water or popping from the sides. Some strains grow strait down into the water and some grow root balls in the pots before they start going to the water but either way once u get roots popping and going to the water ur wanna lower it a bit to help force new root growth from the pots and into the water.
Either way it sounds like u got things under control. Good shtuff.


Active Member
Thanks for that advice! Everything is going super incredibly well. I will post a pic after I finish this post. The Kali plant leaves are fucking huge and are starting to smelllllllll. I have a picture of a SLH plant on the wall for inspiration and to see if the plants look alike, and they do! Brighter, skinnier leaves. It's bushy and leafy!

HOWEVER, our brainstorms, while very big, are acting like retards. One of the, from what I've diagnosed, got nute burn :cuss: and none of the other 5 plants have it. I noticed it last night, saw it this morning, and around 4 flushed the water. I'm sad cause I love what the nutes do, but whatev, it's for the best.

After replacing the water I noticed the other brainstorm plant (not the nute burned bitch) is starting to develop dark root tips :cuss: and I'm not too sure what that is. Each plant has long enough roots to reach the water in the tub, so I set the pumps to run 30 min every 2 1/2 hrs to maybe stop the dirty lookin roots? Any other ideas?

The 2 in the back are the brainstorm, middle is Kali, closest is Super Lemon Haze

Lights now

How cheaply it was done

This is my kat, Kali Kush (or just Kali). He likes smoking as much as me and is definitely the biggest stoner kat ever.


Well-Known Member
Hahah nice I like this grow.. Plants look just as great as the strains should be! Very nice.. Watch that cat around the grow lolz looks like its working a sheme to get at um haha..
Cool grow..
Meant to ask what ur PH is running?
Not really sure whats happening under the skirt but if u have roots in the water then id suggest u keep ur PPM around at least 600. Those plants are already well established and id hate to see a Deficiency set in.
Not to sure what nutes u r using either but i know mine mostly organic stain my roots light brown..
It may benefit u to throw a couple tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide in the mix as well.. If all else and u have no harmfull bacteria it will give the water a nice boost of fresh oxygen they will like.
Definetely feed the plants if u have roots in the water.. matter of fact id put the water about a half inch below the bottom of the pots to help manipulate more root growth to grow down into the water so u can get those plants to start blowing up.
Start with that there.
By the way.. Its not un common for plant to develope spotting on the tips of leaves when developing root growth its usually a sign that they are in need of food..
I may be way off it would be alot better if u had some pix of the tellowing leaves.


Active Member
I gots no PPM meter (shame on me!) but the water we use usually registers between 6.75-7.0, and it is lowered to 6.0-6.25.

I'm using the nutes from SH.

Are roots sensitive to the lights?

Oh, and I'm about 99% sure from all the reading I did on google that the brainstorm is nute burned. Yeah, the tips of the first leaves are a little burned, but I looked at my trusty high times mag and I saw that most of the plants in there had the same burns on the tips. We flushed it and are I will look at it tomorrow when I go back to see them.

It's not like a lot of the root is dark. It's just the very tipy tip-about 1/3"


Well-Known Member
I gots no PPM meter (shame on me!) but the water we use usually registers between 6.75-7.0, and it is lowered to 6.0-6.25.

I'm using the nutes from SH.

Are roots sensitive to the lights?
Yes the roots are sensitive to light and u want to keep the res as light tight as possible for light issues mainly because of algae grows in water with a light source for it to grow in.. But thats not ur problem i dint think.
PH.. Ahhh Ur going to want to get ur PH as close to 5.8 and maintain it as close to 5.8 as u possibly can.. 6 is ok but when u start going getting into the higher ranges ur basicly feeding nutes for nothing because ur plants cant use most of the nutes in the higher ranges..
U will learn that PH is pretty much a perfect balance of all things going on in ur system and by keeping it at the optimal level of 5.8 it is almost impossible to overfeed as long as u follow the directions on ur nute bottles..
Check out my grow in my sig 35 days from seed right now.. If u like what ur seeing there then try the things i told ya about..
5.8 is the PH ur trying to achieve..get that proper the rest will work out.
Im sure.


Active Member
So if I were to go out and buy bottled gallon water, would I just got with distilled water? Which water is the best to use that's closest to 5.8?


Well-Known Member
Get some Actual Ph down. If u have a hydro store close by get some Ph down i think its like 10 bux. If not u can go to walmart, petsmart or petco and get some there as well in the aquatics department.. U can use that too.
Like i said u may have burned ur plants and to be honest they actually look good.Things happen even in perfected system's.
Dont waste ur money on bottled water get the ph down or equivelant.. The distilled water and even the great spring water u buy at the store are pushing high 7's and even 8's as far as PH go and lack most of the nutrients ur plants are going to use either way.
U willl be ok..
If it helps i grew plants in tap water in DWC for a long time and have harvested what i thought and where great bud.
Just trying to help u out.
Hit me up if u need anything.


Active Member
I do have pH up and down solution which is how we move the water from a starting point of 7 to < 6.25. Knowing that the difference between 5.8 and 6.5 might be the reason my roots are growing brown, I'm gonna make sure that water is as fucking close to 5.8 as I can get!


Well-Known Member
Awesome... Good u will find once u get the system established at 5.8. When feeding if ur not feeding enough ur pH will rise on u..
When feeding to much it will drop.
Follow the directions on ur nute bottles and do some minor tweeking in between but when ur res is proper it will float close to 5.8 may get into the high 5.7 and even low 5.9.
My res has been sitting at 5.82-5.86 for 3-4 days even after topping off daily.

I know its alot but that will make sence. Just play with it and in the meantime keep doing what ur doing.. looks like u have corrected every problem u have had so far.
Ur next grow should be a masterpiece.


Active Member

Day 14

Retarded brainstorm.

As you can see, the burn is only on that one set of leaves, and all the new growths under that are free of burn. When would it be fine to but 1/2 strength nutes again? I don't want my other plants to suffer cause of the black sheep.


Well-Known Member
I had similar burn spots... Calmag took care of the spots. I added about 15ml per gallon of H20 in the res.


Well-Known Member
Oh... and you should think about getting another bin soon... 6 plants in that little bin... they are going to outgrow that in 2 weeks. Attached is a pic of my 2 kiddies in the same size bin - 5 weeks old.


Active Member
Oh... and you should think about getting another bin soon... 6 plants in that little bin... they are going to outgrow that in 2 weeks. Attached is a pic of my 2 kiddies in the same size bin - 5 weeks old.
Come to think of it, that brings up a question! I'm only planning on vegging it 3, maybe 3 1/2 weeks TOPS in order to keep them smaller. I know it probably leads to smaller yields, but that doesn't really bother me. Can the plants get good enough buts after 3 weeks veg?


Well-Known Member
Thats a good question man. U can harvest and re-veg a plant. How many times i dont know. Ive done it once it took about a month before it went back into flower and the yield wasnt quite as good as the first time around.
Far as veg time I calculate that by the way a particular strain finishes at harvest time..Meaning some strains double and some strains quadruple from the size u went to flower in.
I force flower all my first time strains at a foot tops to see what they are going to do But if u have good histoy on grow patterns and an indica dominant strain than they should only double or at most tripple in size..
Carefull tho ive got one squatty plant and one plant thats double its size so even breed strains and seeds from the same batch can even show the same wierd grow characteristics as even bagseed.
Id reccomend taking some cutting's from some of ur females and keep the clones going from the particular plant u like the best in the group thats what im doing anyhow.
Hope that helps.


Active Member
As you can kinda see in the pic, the super lemon haze's leaves in the top left corner are slightly droopy. Is this because the leaves are big or because of overwatering? It's not an excessive droop, but they don't sit out flat like I thought they would...