First Grow - Tangerine Dream


Hey guys,

This is my first grow and decided to go with a great strain from Barney’s Farm’s - Tangerine Dream the 2010 Cannabis Cup winner. My grow is going to consist of 2 separate grow boxes; one for mothers, clones and vegetating plants and the other for flowering.

I got a five pack of feminized seeds and started germinating them at around 6pm on Sunday. They sat in a damp cloth over a 48-hour period and all 5 cracked and showed a solid root, some more than others.

Going with a soil grow I placed the seed in standard grow mix and some of them have since shot above the surface and are still shaking off the shell. The inside of the vegetation box is 36”w x 18l x 34h. I have 2 x 3’ T5s in there but only one is running for now while they are still sprouting. I am sticking to a 24hour photoperiod for this room for simplicity. I have a 6” out-take fan with a 4” desk fan on the inside with a passive intake. The temperatures have been rising close to 90deg F but mostly hovering in the lower 80’s. If this keeps up I may install a second interior fan to compensate for turning on the second T5, but I think it will pass with the summer heat.

For those of you that choose to follow along I will try to keep you guys updated as often as possible. Any tips, positive criticisms and questions are welcome.

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Barney's Seed pack
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Mothers, clones and vegetation box
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Interior fan
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Light Trap cross section (I know the printed back walls is the general rule for these but with the T5's on a 24h cycle, light leaking in is not a concern)
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Day one day in soil (some showing more than others)
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Just thought I would show you the progress some of my girls (at least they should be) made over night.

In a general order of strength

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I am a little concerned for the last one. It germinated quickly however, the root sprouted in a 'U' fashion which made it harder to orientate it in the soil making both the roots and the soon to be leaves happy. I think it has figured out up from down and hopefully it emerges soon.

I will keep you posted
what's up man? It's my first grow too and I just put in 2 td's, 1x dinafem critical+ and one dinafem diesel. I look forward to comparing notes. I also look forward to keeping up with this grow and good luck!

313 Kronix

Active Member
Hi. I'll be keeping up with this grow too. I also just started a group of Tangerine Dream. Good luck with your ladies!


Thanks for the support so far guys, I will try to keep it as interesting as possible and wish you luck on your grows as well.


Active Member
hey tangerineDr your grows looking pretty good bet you cant wait till them ladies flower :) good luck and subb'd


So earlier today I caught my humidity dropping as low as 30% and figured it was because I have such a big space that cycles through air quickly and since I'm only running 5 x 3" pots in there right now and they wouldn't create enough airborne moisture.

I am going to make anassumption here that once I transplant them and there is some foliage in there that that number should rise (if not I will take that as it comes)

In the mean time, to combat this, I turned my out-take fan to the low setting and put my cool humidifier, that I had laying around, in there ("cool" so that I don't get a rise in temp.). So far it seems to be doing the trick.

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Sorry for the lack of posts today ut i was tied up at an event most of the day and will be leaving my girls home alone tonight. Im sure they will do fine and I gave them a needed watering today. Managed to snap some shots before I left and I must say that I am relieved to finally see some leaf form one of the plants as it has finally shaken off its shell.

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Still concerned for the last one, she is showing root which probably can't be seen in the picture but Im going to let her take her sweet time; just probably wouldn't make the ideal mother.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I got a Barney's Farm 1x Tangerine Dream (fem), 1x LSD (fem), 1x G13 Labs Pineapple Express (fem), and 3x Mr. Nice White Widow's (reg)......check out my grow journal as well....I'm on Day 7.....keep us posted....tag my thread.

just checking in; the two dinafems have sprouted and are barely above the dirt and the td's have yet to show any sign. I have read numerous sources on here that they can be quite temperamental so I'm not too worried. Looking good gents.


Its late but I just got home and they seem to have done fine on their own. The humidity and temps. stayed in range and most of the plants are starting to show leaves if not signs of them. The little girl that wouldn't sprout has been a trooper and popped up strong.

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I almost feel like they grew a little tall because they may have been to far away from the light but I put in on a shoebox for now but they will be transplanted soon enough so I am not too concerned.



So it has been a week since the seeds were placed in the damp cloth and I am pretty happy with their progress thus far.

The construction of the flowering room has begun and will be 2.5'x3'x4'. The original plan was to run 6 plants in 2gal pots, but I decided that 4 plants spaced out in 3gal pots would achieve the same yield if not more (Plus if the worst should happen there are fewer plants to my name).

I think a 250w light or a 150w with some additional lighting will be fine with an inline 5" duct fan for venting.

I will be doing some basic LST and will eventually run a SCROG once a couple of successful baches have run through.

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Well-Known Member
Looking good man......waiting on mine to take off! It seems to be taking its sweet ass time growing.....the other 2 in the bubbleponic setup I have are doing good but I had them in coco from root riot cubes and let them grow a little before I put them into my bubbleponics system, so I'm thinking it could have been the late start from being in the root riot cubes too But then again it took her a little while longer to germ than my other seeds, LSD (fem) , Pineapple Express (fem), and White Widow.


Not really much to say plant wise. They seem to be doing fine on their own and I will probably throw them in some transitionary 2gal pots when they are strong enough. I would rather have transplanted them directly to the 3 gal pots but I can't fit as many of those in my veg. room so the 2gal will house them until they are ready to flower.

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313 Kronix

Active Member
They are looking good. And don't worry too much about the ones that are now growing as fast as others. If you take a look at my grow, I am about 3 weeks ahead of where you are at now. The TDs were doing O.K. at first but now one of them is leading the pack. Just keep treating them with TLC and they will respond well.


I gently helped the last of the seeds off today and I must say they look sweet.
Is it just me or is it all growers that can't help but to stare at them grow for a while.

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As great as it is watching MJ grow I feel like its been getting a little dry so I thought I would give you guys a preview of the Bud room. I didn't want to start a separate grow room thread, mostly out of laziness but mostly because there are several comprehensive and through guides on that already out there.

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The box measures 2.5x3x4 and is currently holding 4 x 3gal pots as that will probably be my running setup.

Opening this up to you guys, my biggest question is lighting. I feel like the safe bet is to run a 250w but can I make due with a 150w+some?

I would just jump on the 250 but I have a window AC right now that keeps my room within range, but it uses a lot of power and once the bud room is plugged in I feel like it will have to go. However, winter is coming up so I am not extremely concerned but feedback is much appreciated.