First grow...THC Bomb + Mazar..Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I just want to thank the community of RIU for the information they provided me.

I will be doing my entire grow in a grow tent that is 2'8"x2'8"x5'3"..

3 26watt 6500k cfls
400 watt hps with cool-tube

4" 170 CFM inline fan used to suck air out of the cool-tube.
I do not have an intake yet but will be getting one soon.

I germinated THC BOMB + Mazar from

Fox farm GB,BB,TB
Earth Ambrosia, Earth Nectar

I germinated the seeds about a couple of days ago, and still have many that are in the process.

I placed these in my tent, in little plastic cups covered with a baggie to induce humidity. Out of the 6 that I have in there only 2 have sprouted.

When most of them are done sprouting, I will be slapping them on the 400watt hps that I have connected to my cool-tube for the rest of the grow.

Oh, and btw I have a bunch of reg. seeds, so I just put them in a towel and will be germinating the best two out of those as well.. I just want 3-4 female pants when its all said and done.
Suggestions/help/and advice is always appreciated.bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
you can put a small fan in there now. Also it looks like she's already starting to stretch a bit (just a bit nothing to be concerned about) I would bring your light in closer if your temps are ok. My main suggestions are that you give us lots of pictures and updates, maybe start a grow journal, these are two strains I think a lot of people would be interested in. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
So i just put my oscillating fan inside the tent on low speed.

Temps are high 70's low 80's

I took the baggy off the ones that are sprouted and positioned the light so they would be closer to reduce the stretch.

Thanks guys


When should I transplant?
When the desired amount of them sprout the soil, can I turn on my hps without being concerned? I have 3' clearance between them and the light.

I will be posting a journal ONCE all of them sprout. It just seems like so much work keeping up with these little devils:fire:



Well-Known Member
As long as your temps are fine you will be alright going straight to your hps after they have sprouted. I would transplant out of those containers once they are about 3-5 inches tall.