First Grow Time To Harvest But.


Whats up RIU,, this is my first grow and I have two full grown ladies (about 16 inch each) and its about time to chop!! but there is one problem, I have to relocate and drive about 7 hours back to my other home. I was thinking to just hang them in a Rubbermaid on the way down and then when I get home hang them up in my closet for another couple days. Any advice on what to do with the Rubbermaid or any other options where i wont lose out on the great flavor of my hard earned labor??? Thanks for reading! toke it up:leaf:


Throw them in a paper bag & just put in trunk ,u should be fine if only a 7 hr drive, when u stop for gas open up & give them alittle air (few mins)
ur good to go. Any other opinions???


Active Member
Throw them in a paper bag & just put in trunk ,u should be fine if only a 7 hr drive, when u stop for gas open up & give them alittle air (few mins)
ur good to go. Any other opinions???
sounds good thats what ide suggest too but maybe get a couple hours atleast drytime brfore you trunk um. no plastic


Well-Known Member
i once had to dry my sour cream plant in a cardboard box inside my trunk. i jus left it there for 1week and then cured it. it dint come out bad at all