First Grow - Trial and Error

I'm just starting to get into growing since I find it fascinating. I started off by getting some good seed strains but my buddy also gave me a couple freebies to get a hang of it. I ordered a lot of supplies to start off a small grow for indoors then I'm going to try growing outdoors in the spring and the upcoming warmer season. As it is winter here and its a hassle trying to get to the appliance store to get proper supplies and tools I decided I was bored and what the heck give it a try.

Three weeks ago I was bored so I got a hammer and chisel and started chiseling frozen dirt from the backyard and I thawed it out in the kitchen and a couple hours later I planted my germinated bag seed into a cut water bottle filled with my thawed dirt. It surprisingly sprouted and I decided to buy proper soil and other supplies. Last week I bought Schultz Potting Soil Plus and Perlite and decided to transplant into a Tupperware of this mix and it seemed fine until the next day when I noticed the tip of the two leaves turned brown and look crispy and the plant was drooping but after a day it went back to standing straight up probably due to transplanting shock. Now I am waiting for my mylar and nutrients to come in as I planned a micro pc build. I plan to do hydroponics and soil at the same time.

So far I bought a bunch of supplies for hydroponics, mylar foil, Advanced Nutrients pH Up/Down, General Hydroponics Floranova Grow and Floranova Bloom.

Any tips or suggestions on how I should continue or proceed?




Active Member
Hey chilli, way to get out and get started despite your frozen conditions.
I would recommend trying soil for your first grow as it is much more forgiving if you happen to make a mistake. Also you dont know if your plant is a male or a female.
Just get some quality soil and fill a container big enough for a mature flowering plant, then wait til your seedling is a bit bigger and transfer it to its final home.
After that all you need to do is water regularly and maybe add some nutrients in a few weeks.
Good Luck!