First grow, unhealthy looking leaves

Got two clones of a friend, not sure what strain they are. There seems to be two problems, one is the brown tips on the leaves (nutrient burn?), the other is yellow/white spots on some of other leaves. These are pictures of one of them.
Any idea's?

Help if I read the rules first

2) Growing indoors
3) Watering schedule: Not sure, don't have them long
4) Growing Medium: dirt?
5) What stage of growth: just started flowering


Well-Known Member
nute burn yes, heat/moisture stress yes white spots can't tell from the pic (not clear enough) check very closely for critters
Do I need to flush it to deal with the nute burn?
What do I need to do about the heat/moisture stress?
I can't see any critters, I'll try and get better pictures.

They were in veg for a good while, under a CFL light.
Don't know if any of these will help, camera's not great.

Might as well ask a few questions since I've no idea what I'm doing.

The plant's went into flowering on the 15th Feb. I haven't added any nutrients since, because I was worried about the nute burn.
the nutrients I have are Bio-Bloom, which is:
Nitrogen: 2%(ammonium nitrohen 0.9%, nitrate 1.1%)
Phosphorus 6%
Potassium 3.5%

The pack says 2-5ml per litre of water. Use with every watering.
Is this right? If not, how much and how often?

And pk 13-14(which is for flowering I think)
This says slowly increasing from 2.5-15ml per 10 litres.
Is this right? If not, how much and how often?

The plants were in veg under a CFL light which was probably about 2 or 3 feet over the plants. Is this causing the lankyness. ( all the other plants grown by the guy I got these of are like that aswell, he thought it was the strain. He's also a beginner.)




Well-Known Member
They need more light and the temp and humidity need to be dialed in to reduce the stress, not familiar with those nutes?

I would not flush in current state, try gettin it happy first by dialin in the garden
What do you mean by dialed?
I'll give you the temps and humidity.

Daytime temp 27C (80.6F)
Night (min/max thermometer, min reading 12.2C (53.96F))

Humidity Min/Max 35%/72%


Well-Known Member
dialed in means adjusted to best possible in most cases but should translate into adjusted to perfection, thing is every garden is different so what I do may not work for you, so best to learn to read the plants and adjust to thier needs

temp of 80 is ok

53 is too low

the difference between day/night or lights on/ lights off should not be more than 10 degrees F

humidity is off the chart for flowering keep it between 30 & 40 and with lights on temp of 80 closer to 40 is better
That min/max hasn't been reset in a while, I'll have a better idea tomorrow.
The humidity during the day is usually around 40, I don't know where the 72 came from. Again, I'll know better tomorrow.

Hadn't expected to have plants in flowering for a while yet, so the set-up was a bit rushed. Venting is a bit of a problem, the house I'm in doesn't have any and I can't exactly cut holes in the walls.