First Grow Update- day 5


hey guys this is my grow after its 5th day i believe. tell me how they doing and give me some tips. always appreciated.
here are some of my questions.
-when should i transplant them to a bigger container?
-what kind of outlet timer should i get?
-what kind of soil should i get?
-when is a good time to give nutes and what brand nutes are good?
thanks guys. peace!
(sorry if ask so much noob questions -.-)

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also check out my grow on youtube:
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Active Member
Hey man welcome to the forums and any question isnt a noob question we are all here to learn from one another and share advice.

What is your lighting I noticed one CFL in the pictures, I am asking because it looks like your seedlings are stretching

You could go with Fox Farm Ocean Forest if you can order it online or know a place near you that sells it. Or Just Use Organic Potting Soil Mixed with perlite so you dont compact the soil and prevent your plant from growing right. So like 70% soil 30% perlite.. I'm sure someone more experienced can put their 2 cents in.

Get a timer that will allow you set when the lights go off and on like a pin one or digital. This one is perfect you can get it at Home Depot

Nutes you should start maybe like the 2 week of growth I think and you use 1/4 of what the nutes directions tell you and slowly increase the strength of it over time


Well-Known Member
these questions are answered in any beginner's grow bible. build your knowledge base. pick a grow guide and read it twice. if you just listen to'll be i there's my 2 1/2 cents