First grow using 100w bulb (harvest help)

Im going to have small buds due to low light just need to know if im close to harvest im suppose to be done around beginning of feb according to my calculations my be wrong
Yes the buds will be small and stuff but for a single bulb, that plants makin what she can with what shes got. Life gives you lemons. Make lemon tree. Beautiful.
For your next grow you might want to consider a small LED panel. An inexpensive one should outperform an LED incandescent replacement bulb like you have, without breaking the bank, or spiking your electricity costs. Especially for a single plant grow.
thats what he said...

just looked at these on Amazon, they draw 20w from the wall (?).

without sufficient light a plant cant even metabolize the nutes in your soil. thats why its still heavy on N.

take whatever CFL bulb or lightsource you can find in your household and surround your plant. its a good investment
Nah im just gonna finish it like this my next grow i got a full coming in
such a light would be on if one wanted to stick it below the canopy on a large plant setup. emanates a round sphere but not so much heat